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A Little Lite Wolf Information

If I may share with you some points of the Wolf.

Springtime arrives on a gust of warm air. The growing and gangly pups are eager to explore. From spring throughout summer, puppyhood is a whirlwind of energetic pouncing, chasing, dashing, eating and exploring. These puppy pasttimes are about more than just play and enjoyment. In subtle ways, the rambunctious siblings are developing their hunting skills, establishing their rank and learning Wolf "language"- each an important behavioral prototype for life as an adult.

It's in the Face!!

Perhaps the most heartfelt appeal of the Wolf is the expressive naute of its face. Unlike other animals, the Wolf can express "how it feels" through a variety of subtle facial gestures. These gestures are amplified by black and white markings that outline the Wolf's eyes, ears, lips and muzzle. The ability to convey "feelings" like fear or excitement ensures clear communication between pack memebers and fosters a spirit of cooperation and friendliness.

The Way They Talk!!

Wolves communicate with each other in a variety of ways. They are best known for their howls which are melodious, eerie and spine tingling. Wolves howl to advertise their presence and warn strange Wolves away from their territory, to gather the pack together when they are separated, and as a kind of bonding ceremony. Before a hunt pack members gather, lick each other's muzzles and engage in a group howl. This ceremony may serve to unite the pack, much as the ritual of a football team letting out a collective yell before the start of a game. Wolves do not howl at the full moon. This misperception may have developed because Wolves will tend to hunt on nights when the moon is full and visibility is good. Wolves also have sophisticated sign language. The position of their tails, ears and lips let other Wolves know whether they are submissive, want to play or are going to attack.

The Way They Talk!!

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