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Mercyra is a small Outlands world, barely introduced into the sweeping technological advances of the Dragon Empire. Most of the planet is still at a medieval technology level, making it a quaint place to visit (and a good place to hide if you've got a starship everyone's looking for).

Mercyra has a number of different governments on it, most of them monarchies, but the closest the entire world has to a captial is the city of Therys, the largest city on the planet. Therys is the only city on Mercyra which has any spaceport facilities, and limited ones at that, but as Mercyra is still new to the rest of the galaxy and many of its kingdoms do not even know that they have been contacted by the Empire, this small bubble of technology is the best that can be expected.

The Grand Tournament

Every five years, knights and warriors from all over Mercyra gather in Therys for the Mercyra Grand Tournament. The prize is usually a grant of land or title, as well as a huge amount of gold, making the most interested parties commoners and lesser noblemen. The competitions range from the joust, sword competitions, archery, a magic competition, and a huge every-man-for-himself melee called the Lists. Most of the competitions award "Tournament points" to the winners (except for the Lists, in which gold is given for each defeated opponent), and the contestant with the most points at the end of the tournament takes the Grand Prize.

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