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The Galaxy

A thousand years ago, the dragons united the itenerant worlds of the galaxy into one central empire, with a dragon for an emperor. Because dragons are immortal, the emperorship would change hands every thousand years, going to the next race of dragons in the line. The first emperor was a Gold dragon, good and benevolent like all his kind, and he ruled the galaxy peacefully for a thousand years. But ten years ago, the period of Gold Rule ended, and the empire was handed over to the evil Red dragons, next in line. With the Reds came their lifelong accomplices, the drow (dark elves), who took over the galaxy's military and police forces. A Resistance of sorts has begun, hoping to someday overthrow the Red emperor, but the group are still in their infancy and there is little hope of overcoming all the Reds and drow in the galaxy.

It's going to be a very long thousand years...

These are the planets the crew of Chrysalis have visited:

Other things of interest in the galaxy:

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