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Aranor Fiernoch

Player: Joel
Character Type: Paladin
Race: High Man
Weapon of Choice: Mormagil (Black Sword)

An unstoppable, death-dealing, Orc-slaying machine, Aranor is one of the newest members of the Heroes, but he has not failed to make his mark. Though he is extremely vulnerable to the weapons of Mordor, he is extremely good at slaying Orcs, and has proven his worth to the Heroes many times over. Aranor's power comes with many dark secrets, however, including a debt to a powerful demon. His heart is pure, though, and with the aid of his mentor, the powerful mage Naurondor, he can overcome his difficulties and join the Heroes in their never-ending quest for glory.

Aranor bears a mighty sword, powerful armor wrought in the Pits of Hell, and a strong fetish for killing Orcs. His hatred for the hordes of Mordor runs deep, but his value to the Heroes is far deeper. Often, in the midst of battle, Aranor's flaming shield can be seen as a beacon to all the Heroes, waving them onward. Aranor is also famous for his talent at very nearly slaying things.