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Character Type: Warrior?
Race: Common Man
Connection with Heroes: Charystra's brother
Weapon of Choice: Sword?

Charystra was raised in Tharbad by Drake Calithorn, completely unknowing of her past. When the Heroes returned from Minas Tirith, however, Drake revealed to her that she was in fact a princess in hiding, the heir to a large castle many leagues east of Tharbad. Her father had been betrayed and his castle take over by a man named Galveroth, and Drake led the Heroes to the castle to retake it from this usurper. When they reached the castle, they were captured by Galveroth's forces, but were rescued by a man named Corinth who said that Charystra was his sister. Galveroth had raised Corinth as Drake had raised Charystra, without knowledge of who he was -- Corinth had been brought up believing that Galveroth was his father. After speaking with Charystra, though, his sister convinced him to help her defeat Galveroth and take the castle back. The attack was successful, and now Corinth and Charystra rule the castle side-by-side.

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