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Charystra Midesin

Player: Bryan M.
Character Type: Dabbler
Race: Rural Man
Weapon of Choice: Fire Edge (Sword)

Charystra is the firebrand of the group, bringing her powerful sword and her skills at swordsmanship and magic to aid the Heroes in their quests. She is a dabbler, adept at both the sword and magic, and she can use both with amazing skill. The unknowing heir to a Duchy, she has been raised in Tharbad under the care of Drake Calithorn, her father's most valiant knight.

Her stunning beauty and quick wit have brought her much appeal in the Inn, but it is her friendship and her dependability which have endeared her to the Heroes (execept for Aspien, to whom she is probably endeared because of her stunning beauty). With fiery hair and fiery sword, she cuts through Orcs alongside the rest of the Heroes, forging a name for herself which will echo far past the boundaries of Tharbad.
