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The People Behind the Characters

And now, to introduce: the people behind the characters!
Here, I list everyone who has played in our roleplaying group and whose characters are whose. Note: Rolemaster characters are in red, New Rolemaster characters are in green, and Star Wars characters are in blue.

Jay (the ever-popular Gamemaster, Shakhan Krilloustan, Theangel, Aleron Dominic Vaspres, all as Gamemaster characters)
Bryan M. (Merrick, Ethan Cilian, Race Smith, Jessica Smith, Panic, Arika, Charystra, Hellgrin, while Charystra was injured, and Velic North)
Michael (Ramierez Starr, Blades Starr, Darion Wolfe, Atlas Fereck, Dreygos, Vince Vega, Aspien, and Fleance Malcolm)
Will (Kaiyan, Shadowlord, Nik'ua, Shurakai, Vicacius, and Drakus Seahelm)
Brian W. (Dean Malenko, Chris Colt, Jonathan Steele, Eridain)
Joel (Cyruss Remmington, Aranor Fiernoch, Shiara, for a little while anyway, Eladin Fiernoch)
Nathanael B. (Riggins, Thain, Hellgrin, after Thain died, Galrond)
Nathan W. (Andrew Cymrick, Chitonakk, Uno, Hellgrin -- the original inception, anyway, Hoignar)
Matt (Pace the Droid, Pollux)
Lawson (Ito, Louis Faircon, Rueger)
Zach (Viper)
Cory (Mack Williams)
Daniel M., Bryan's brother (Jag, Mark Soler, Curufin, Calafin, and Druiden Felshadow)
Trinity (Jade, Itheriel)
Mike Y., Jay's brother (Dax Resnin, Garren)
Daniel D. (Elbron)
Rick (Jarik of Armon)
Anthony (Bail Kane, Elyna Dafoe, The Great Gatsby, Baalek Songheart, and Chiana)

All right, that was the home group... now here is the college group. I'll only list Forgotten Realms and Dragonstar characters here, for characters in my game of Star Wars see the Golemo section. Realms characters will be in blue, and Dragonstar will be in red.

David (GM, Eldon Thorngage)
Arthur (Mourn Eveningfall, Falin M'or)
Chris (Tiberium, Lothar DeCracken)
John (Grim Evenwood, Achanis Drakal)
Marlin (Bayne, Gaspar of Highfolk)
Wes (Grok, Magnus)
Justin (Garret Thorngage, Ashimar)
Anthony (Alak Albeir, Marcus Lear as a GM/NPC)

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