Da Dog Girl

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Name: Doggirl
Age: 19 (people years)
Gender: bitch
(*scowl* Very funny, whoever put that...)
Species (breed): dog (golden retriever/poochy dog/mutt)
Relations: WhiteYoshi200 (owner)
Occupation: artist
Job at Doghouse: founder/art gallery manager
Home: Yoshiville, Yoshi's Island
Favorite Video Game Genre(s): anything good

Character Information: Doggirl is the big cheese here at the doghouse, if you hadn't figured that out already (the name of this site should be a big blippin' clue.) She's a playful little mutt, and likes to be part of a joke... although she often ends up being the butt. Dog's skills (aside from digging holes and biting postal officials) aren't practical in fighting situations, so she usually sits those kind of things out. Her artistic talents have often compensated for her personal flaws (not always, unfortunately...)

Other Info: Dog can also be read about in "Doggirl's Story" in the library.

Pictures: (none)

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