Be one of us... one of us... mwahaha-hack! *cough*

Doggirl: Arf! Welcome, all, to the little corner of this dog shack where the hard-working members of this site are recognized...

Miya: *looks at dog*

Doggirl: ...Well, MOSTLY hard-working...

Meekachu: *also looks*

Doggirl: ...
...Well, they TRY to work.

Myshu: *snorting to herself* Mweheh.

Doggirl: -_- I've half a mind to cut you guys' pay...

Miya: What pay?? *suddenly looks surprised* Wait, we're actually getting money for this!?

Meekachu: *stuffing coins under the rug with his foot* No, of course we're not! *feigns anger* Dog, I'm outraged!

Myshu: *eyes the cash, and lifts a brow*

White: Oh brother... *rolls her eyes*
People, just click below to learn more about us, the cast members of this website! You never know, it might be interesting...

Doggirl Miya Meekachu Myshu White Mew

About the site

My contact info/other webploits:

AIM: Doggirlm
My LiveJournal account
IcyBrian's Original Flavors
My DeviantArt
My account

Miya: I want my money, Meekachu...

Meekachu: Eheh... ^_^()

Back to the doghouse!