Meekachu the yoshi

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Name: Meekachu
Age: undetermined (lost count)
Gender: male
Species: yoshi
Relations: Miya (adopted daughter)
Occupation: magiyoshi (dominant type: electric)
Job at Doghouse: general maintenance
Home: Yoshi's Island
Favorite Video Game Genre(s): racing, action, multiplayer, and a few sports games

Character Information: Ask Meekachu about his past, and you'd get a long-arse story. In fact, one of Meekachu's predominating traits is his wealth of knowledge on pretty much everything related to his homeland, Yoshi's Island. If you also dare to ask how he came to know so much, you'll probably get something along the lines of, "I've been around." Meek landed his job here at the doghouse by following his only daughter, Miya. In spite of their long history together and strong affections for each other, those two yoshies sure know how to bicker. Stay clear when a fight starts to bubble up.

Other Info: Read about Meekachu in "King of the Mountain."

Pictures: (none)

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