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"The fantasist...may be talking as seriously as any sociologist about
human life as it is lived, and as it might be lived, and as it ought
to be lived. For as great scientists have said, and as all children
know, it is above all by the imagination that we achieve perception,
and compassion, and hope."
~ Ursula K. Leguin, in "The Language of the Night" ~

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Wolf Sighting

Savage beauty, eyes alight
shining ethereally bright
gliding grace 'twixt tree and bough
glittering shadows against the snow.

Intelligent eyes glide through the dark
no bodies seeming to follow
of a sudden sounds their bark
long, lonely and hollow.

Howl and bark, snarl and bite
come out to play on Winter's night
twist and turn, run and race
live for nothing but the chase.

Quiet then, they, on the hunt
in stillness not a sound
then quickly and loud to the chase
to bring their quarry down.

Then come to the feast, them all
large and small; jumping, growling, fighting
and heard throughout town with shiver of fear- Wolf Sighting!

Wolf Dreams

Wolves may feature,
In our myths,
Our history,
Our dreams,
But they have,
Their own future,
Their own lives,
Their own dreams to fulfill.


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