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Hello due to delays we have not updated this column but from now on it will be updated!!!

Whats up?Well what is up is the rumor of Curt Henning... he is thinking of returning back infact he wants back in!WWF has not made any negotiations..Speaking of WCW wrestlers heading may i mean.. maybe heading to the WWF... Lex Luger he may be released can you imagine if he was in the World Wrestling Federation!?!?!Well i cant!

Kane is back.. Undertaker is back... outstanding!WWF is at the strongest point!But what ever happened to SCSA?He returned.. but now he is doing testings for his permanent return!

I was watching some past WWF ppv and i was just telling myself... Mic Foley losing to HHH.... he had like three chances!!But lost them.. HHH is the worlds most dangerous man!

Ken Shamrock when will he return?Rumors has been spreading that Ken Shamrock will debut back in the federation either in Late 2000 or early 2001..!

WCW is helpless.. even with the help of Vince Russo the show is almost at the avg of there rating. WCW should be sold and get fixed up!

ECdub ECdub!!ECW has once again lost another superstar... Lance Storm has officially left ECW and he is heading south to WCW.. i just dont get it.. WCW has great wrestlers but cant find a way to raise there ratings.. too bad to see talent wasted!

Now onto WCW ppv.. I think that the WCW ppv are now getting great especially with there recent one!Well i am on a hurry due to personal reasons for more news view our news and rumors updated daily!

-Tony Towers Crew