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Smackdown! - To air Thursday, July 20

8:50pm Mick Foley comes to the ring (The Drama...or Comedy..begins)

9:18pm Eddie Guerrero vs. Dean Malenko w/2 lady's vs. Perry Saturnw/Terri in a Triple Threat match for the European title...The match began while Dean took forever to get to the ring. Eddie pinned Dean with a rollup. After the match Perry attacked Chyna and Eddie.
Winner: Eddie Guerrero

9:26pm Kurt Angle vs. Kane...Kurt got disqualified when he used a chair on Kane.
Winner: Kane by DQ

9:39pm Steve Blackman vs. Al Snow for the Hardcore title...During the match Crash Holly intervened and then Tazz came out as well and locked the Tazmission on Al Snow. That enabled Steve to score the pin on Al.
Winner: Steve Blackman

9:50pm The Hardy Boyz & Rikishi Phatu vs. Test & Albert & Val Venis w/Trish Stratus...Jeff nail Test with the Swanton Bomb to enable Matt to score the pin. After the match T & A attacked the Hardys. Lita then came down to the ring (holding her side) and Albert caught her and Trish whipped her with the refs belt.
Winners: Too Cool & Rikishi Phatu

10:06pm The Godfather vs. Bull Buchanan...Steven Richards w/Bull Buchanan come out to talk about morality. Godfather comes out and talks as well. This then starts the match. Stevie interfered and nailed a Stevie-kick and Bull followed with his Axe-kick and scored the pin.
Winner: Bull Buchanan

10:17pm The Undertaker vs. The Big Bossman...When the match begins, Kurt comes out to the stage to spy. Then comes out carrying something in a bag which was a bucket full of some kinda liquid that looked like puke-colored acid and pours it all over 'Taker's motorcycle. Undertaker then persued Kurt. Iassume the match ended via a countout.
Winner: The Big Bossman by countout

10:33pm Triple H w/Steph & Chris Benoit w/Shane vs. Chris Jericho & The Rock...The match started off as a major fight almost everywhere. During the match The Rock struck Earl Hebner on purpose and got DQ'd. After the match ended, nothing stopped...All Hell broke loose!!
Winners: Triple H & Chris Benoit by DQ

After Smackdown! ended, The Rock stared at Chris Benoit's body Fiercly. Jericho was still browsing the ring at the time. Jericho still wanted to goafter HHH but was restrained by officials. HHH had to be helped outta the arena while limping on his right leg from being suspended in the Walls of Jericho for so long. Benoit left on his own accord with Shane.