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ECW TNN Results

July 14, 2000
Philadelphia, PA - ECW Arena
Hosted by Joey Styles and Joel Gertner
ECW Introduction
Joey Styles welcomed us to Extreme Championship Wrestling from the ECW Arena in South Philadelphia, PA. Joel Gertner introduced himself as Joel "I'm a sexual deviant and a bedroom menace, when I watch Wimbledon, I like to watch the 18 year old girls in skirts play tennis. The way they handle the racket and their spectacular ball control makes me wanna take my racket and shove it in their h---" Gertner.

Raven Interview/Cyrus promo
Raven entered the ring to huge chants of "You sold out." He said, "I just wanted to say... thank you" and gave a hug to Joey Styles to a pop from the crowd. This prompted Cyrus to make his way to ringside... "Excuse me, I didn't mean to break up this tearful going away party. Raven, that speech of yours just put a tear in my eye, man. And you know what, I know we're in a place right now that holds a lot of memories for you and these people. You spilled a lot of blood here and made these idiots really happy here." The crowd chanted "Thank you Raven." Cyrus continued, "You know what Scotty my boy, all your titles don't mean anything to this network. The blood that you spilled is like water through a toilet to this network." The crowd chanted "USA" referring to the USA Network. Cyrus: "I don't really care about your so called revolutionary gimmick because we all know you stole this gimmick from the Jackyl!" Raven interrupted, "Are we going somewhere with this?" Cyrus replied, "Who the hell are you to come out here and cut a promo on my network when you gave up your right to cut promos on my network! You're leaving, you bent over to the network! Just like Paul Heyman will bend over to this network!" Raven tried to leave the ring, but Cyrus grabbed him. Raven retaliated, but was caught by Scotty Anton. Scotty Anton was quickly hit with the Evenflow DDT and Cyrus was left alone with Raven. However, Rhino ran out to make the save, hitting Raven with a Gore. Scotty Anton set up a table in the corner, which Rhino carried Raven on his shoulders and put through with a gore-like move. The Sandman and Lori Fullington ran out to further the war. Sandman caned Rhino several times, while Lori Fullington jumped on Cyrus's back, pounding at him. Officials quickly ran in to break up the melé.

Backstage: Rob Van Dam Promo
Rob Van Dam was shown backstage along with Bill Alfonso. Fonzie stated, "This Sunday night, baby, I can't wait because RVD is going to introduce the most devastating, unbelievable, kick ass move in wrestling history!" Van Dam added, "Scotty Anton, I've got no respect for you. On the PPV, I've got no reason to hold back. After I hit the Van Daminator, after I hit you with the 5 Star Frog Splash, I'm going to hit you with the Van Terminator." RVD wrapped up the promo calling himself "The Whole F'n Show."

Backstage: Pitbull #1, The Blue Meanie
Pitbull #1, Gary Wolfe was shown backstage in a bathroom. He said, "I'm Back. Yes, Rhino you did kick my ass, but that just proves that I'm bigger and better than I ever was. And you know what, I enjoyed it..." As he began to talk, two people were heard talking in one of the bathroom stalls. The Blue Meanie opened the door and came out of the stall along with Jasmine St. Claire. Wolfe stated that he was a fan of the Meanie and Jasmine St. Claire, stating that he loved her movies. However, the Blue Meanie stated that he was now known as "Blue Boy" and began to make fun of Pitbull's weight, stating that "it looks like the Pitbull has had a few puppies, tubby." The Pitbull began to get annoyed as the Meanie continued to make fun of him. The Meanie stated "I've seen your old lady and she's quite the hefty heffer." The Pitbull was fed up, stating that the Meanie crossed the line. He started to get into the Meanie's face, but Jasmine St. Claire hit Wolfe with a low blow, knocking him down to the floor. Afterwards, she stated "I touched him, I think I might need a shot or something." The Meanie replied, "I've got just the shot for you..."

Mikey Whipwreck vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri
Mikey Whipwreck mocked Tajiri during the match, crouching down, then nailing Tajiri with a stiff kick of his own. However, Tajiri regained control and hit Whipwreck with his kicks, teaching him how it's done. They began to battle near the turnbuckle, where Tajiri spit the green mist in Mikey's face. Tajiri hit an Inverted Tornado DDT off the top rope, then locked on the Octopus hold, causing Mikey to actually submit.
- Winner: Tajiri

Backstage: Justin Credible & Francine Promo
Francine was shown backstage, asking us if we wanted to see something extreme and hardcore. She began to unzip her shirt. However, Justin Credible interrupted, stating that we would see something extreme and hardcore at Sunday's PPV. He said that both he and Tommy Dreamer would bleed and put their lives in the line, but when it's all said and done, one man would walk away with the ECW World Heavyweight Title, and that man is Justin Credible.

Simon Diamond, Swinger, and Company
Simon Diamond and Swinger made their way to ringside accompanied by their usual travelling side show of the Prodigy, Prodigette, Mitch, and the Musketeer. Simon Diamond grabbed the microphone and said, "Simon and Swinger have a problem. We are NOT a comedy act! And we are sick and tired of being treated like one!" CW Anderson ran into the ring and got into Simon's face, stating "If you two want to stop being a comedy act, I suggest you get rid of the comedy. And I'll show you how an Anderson takes care of comedy." He attacked Mitch, the Musketeer, and Prodigy, knocking them all out. The Prodigette slapped CW Anderson but he retaliated, punching her in the face and hitting her with a Spinebuster. The Musketeer attempted to fire back at Anderson, but Swinger and Diamond turned on him and the rest of their lackies. CW Anderson asked if anyone in the locker room was worthy of taking on a team with the name Anderson...

• Danny Doring and Roadkill ran out, but were both met with the Problem Solver (Double team DDT) by Diamond and Swinger. "Beautiful" Bobby Eaton ran out and knocked out Swinger and Diamond. He faced off with CW Anderson and both men began to trade punches, until Diamond and Swinger attacked Eaton and Anderson hit him with a Superkick. Simon Diamond, Swinger, and CW Anderson stood in the ring over their victims, as Simon stated "THAT'S how you solve a problem!"

Backstage: Simon Diamond, Swinger, and CW Anderson Promo
Diamond and Swinger were shown backstage after commercials. Simon began to talk... "Dorind and Roadkill... How many more matches must we beat you? How many more ways must we beat you? How many more times must we beat you?" Swinger stated "We've beaten them so many times, not even their old ladies want to choke their chicken." Both Simon and Swinger began to laugh, but CW Anderson interrupted, telling them to stop with the comedy. He told everyone to watch what happens when a team teams up with an Anderson.

Steve Corino & Rhino vs. Jerry Lynn & Sandman
It was announced that this was a dream tag match, where Corino and Lynn could choose their own partners. Steve Corino grabbed the microphone, stating "Jerry, did you bring your crying towel, punk? Oh, I know what it is, you brought your towel so you can cry because you know Sunday at Heatwave, I'm going to kick your ass. That is, if you make it through tonight. Because it's no surprise to any of these morons here that you have to survive MY partner... RRRRRRhino!" Rhino ran out to ringside and quickly gored Jerry Lynn while Jack Victory distracted him. Corino and Rhino pounded away at Lynn, but Lynn pulled out a can of beer and nailed Rhino in the head. The Sandman's music hit and he ran out with a cane, but was superkicked on Corino, while Rhino hit Sandman with several stiff cane shots. Steve Corino and Jerry Lynn battled on the outside of the ring while Rhino faced off with Sandman in the ring for a good few minutes to start the match. Rhino hit a piledriver on Jerry Lynn, but Sandman made the save. Sandman then hit the White Russian Leg Sweep on Rhino, but Corino made the save. Jerry Lynn went for the Cradle piledriver on Corino, but Cyrus ran out, nailing Lynn with a microphone. Corino nailed Lynn with a Superkick, but Lynn kicked out. Corino hit an Inverted DDT on Jerry Lynn off the apron onto the outside onto the Timekeeper's table. Corino jumped off the apron with an Elbow Drop and both men went through the table. Spike Dudley ran out to ringside, Sandman picked up Rhino, and Spike hit the 3D on Rhino! 3D! 3D! 3D! Sandman went for the pin and picked up the victory!
- Winners: The Sandman & Jerry Lynn

• This Sunday's Stairway to Hell barbwire match at ECW Heatwave 2000 between Tommy Dreamer and Justin Credible for the ECW World Heavyweight title was hyped up as the show went off the air.