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Intercontinental Title History

Wrestler Date
Pat Patterson - Wins Intercontinental title tournament 09/??/79
Ken Patera 04/21/80
Pedro Morales 12/08/80
Don Muraco 06/20/81
Pedro Morales[2] 11/23/81
Don Muraco [2] 01/22/83
Tito Santana 02/11/84
Greg Valentine 09/24/84
Tito Santana [2] 07/06/85
Randy Savage 02/08/86
Ricky Steamboat 03/29/87
Honky Tonk Man 06/02/87
Ultimate Warrior 08/29/88
Rick Rude 04/02/89
Ultimate Warrior [2] - Was stripped of IC title because he won the World Title 08/28/89
Mr Perfect - Wins the IC Title Tournament 04/23/90
Texas Tornado 08/27/90
Mr Perfect [2] 11/19/90
Bret Hart 08/26/91
The Mountie 01/17/92
Roddy Piper 01/19/92
Bret Hart [2] 04/05/92
Davey Boy Smith 08/29/92
Shawn Michaels 10/27/92
Marty Janetty 05/17/93
Shawn Michaels [2] - Stripped of the title because he didn't meet contractual obligations 06/06/93
Razor Ramon - Wins 20 man battle royal 09/27/93
Diesel 04/13/94
Razor Ramon [2] 08/29/94
Jeff Jarrett 01/22/95
Razor Ramon [3] 05/19/95
Jeff Jarrett [2] 05/21/95
Shawn Michaels [3] 07/23/95
Dean Douglas - Shawn Michaels was injured and therefore had to forfeit the title 10/22/95
Razor Ramon [4] 10/22/95
Goldust 01/21/96
Goldust [2] - Wins a match against Savio Vega after the title was held up earlier in the night 04/01/96
Ahmed Johnson - Forced to vacate the title due to a kidney injury 06/23/96
Marc Mero - Wins IC title tournament 09/23/96
Hunter Hearst Helmsley 10/21/96
The Rock 02/13/97
Owen Hart 04/28/97
Steve Austin - Vacates the title due to a neck injury 08/03/97
Owen Hart [2] - Wins IC title tournament against Faarooq 10/05/97
Steve Austin [2] 11/09/97
The Rock [2] - Austin was stripped of the title by McMahon because he refused to defend it vs. The Rock 12/08/97
Triple H [2] - Was stripped of title because of knee injury 08/30/98
Ken Shamrock - Wins IC title tournament vs. X-Pac 10/12/98
Val Venis 02/14/99
Road Dogg Jesse James 03/15/99
Goldust [3] 03/29/99
Godfather 04/12/99
Jeff Jarrett [3] 05/31/99
Edge - Wins at a House show 07/24/99
Jeff Jarrett [4] 07/25/99
D'Lo Brown 08/2/99
Jeff Jarrett [5] 08/22/99