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Tony Tower's News and Rumors©

The WWF tag team champions, Edge and Christian were guests on WWF.com's "Byte This!" earlier today, discussing Fully Loaded, their five second poses, and more. If you're a fan of the tag champs like me, you can check out Byte This! HERE.

Chyna is expected to follow the path of wrestlers like Mick Foley and The Rock, and will release her own autobiography sometime this fall. Also scheduled for a fall release is a Chyna workout video. Add her being on the cover and featured in the November issue of Playboy and you've got a very busy fall for the Ninth Wonder of the World.

Since I'm honestly very low on WWF news today, I figured I'd just throw in a few tidbits like this one... The Rock has taken over Kurt Angle's spot on the WWF Shopzone as the number one best seller. The Rock's "Just Bring It!" and "Layeth the Smacketh Down" t-shirts are the number one and two best sellers on the Shopzone, respectively. I honestly don't know what people see in those shirts. I mean, it's just a black shirt with big white letters on the front. Now, Kurt Angle or Tazz's shirts are the ones to get. :-)

Remember Barbara "BB" Bush? You know, the "EMT?" Of course you do. Well, according to Dave Scherer, BB (realname Kathy Dingman) was the lady who tended to "Kiwi" on last night's Thunder and I believe she was also on this week's Nitro. Pretty good signing for WCW if you ask me.

Misfits in Action member "Major Stash," formerly Van Hammer, was recently sent home by WCW, according to various reports, which explains why he was MISSING in action (MIA, pun intended) at last night's Thunder. He apparently had a bad attitude backstage, according to Dave Scherer, and at one point complained about his original name, "Private Stash," stating that it would make him the lowest ranked member. What the hell?

Booker T may have re-aggravated his injured knee on last night's Thunder, according to Wade Keller. However, Booker is not expected to miss much action, if any.

On the subject of injuries, Evan Karagias's ankle injury may be more serious than originally thought. Rumors are that his ankle may be fractured, according to Wade Keller, although no accurate diagnosis has been determined yet.

I really enjoyed WCW Thunder last night and thought that it featured a good mix of great wrestling (the addition of Lance Storm helps a LOT) and good, entertaining segments. The signing of Lance Storm was great for WCW and his IMPACT is already being felt greatly. WCW has done an excellent job pushing Storm. The Canadian Heavyweight Title angle is classic.

Thunder scored a mediocre 2.5 rating last night, off hours of 2.2 and 2.7 according to Dave Scherer. Ehhhh.

Sabu will make his return to All Japan Pro Wrestling on August 20th, according to Mike Johnson, and will tour with the promotion until September 2nd.

Sid recently appeared on the Australian TV show, "The Footy Show." Jeremy Knowles of Victoria, Australia sent the following report: "Just writing to tell you about an appearance by Sid Vicious on a local show called 'The Footy Show.' He was not on for long but when asked about steroids he asked the host if he could even spell steroids. When asked whether many of the wrestlers were heterosexual Sid replied by calling the host a dumbass and telling him what they do to dumb-asses in USA. He grabbed a gimmicked balsa wood chair and hit the host over the back. When asked about salary he said he would rather not say. There were no other real points of interest. He promoted the upcoming WCW shows in Australia. He came off ok on tv to the average Australian who knows nothing about wrestling, but hopefully this tour will do something to raise its profile in Australia."

Tony Towers