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Monday Night Nitro Results

July 24, 2000
Cleveland, Ohio
Hosted by Tony Schiavone, Scott Hudson, & Mark Madden
Report by Justin Fritz of Wrestle Pages

Lance Storm segment
Lance Storm came to the ring flaunting his Canadian Heavyweight Championship. He then called for the playing of his national anthem. During the song, the Maple Leaf flag floated down from the ceiling, as Storm stood in silence. Despite the fan's remarks Storm kept on rambling about Canada. Storm said he is readying himself for Mike Awesome and New Blood Rising. He called for a warm-up match. Out walked out Big Vito.

Big Vito vs. Lance Storm
- Both Hardcore and Canadian Titles are on the line for this match-up. Veto started out with slaps in the corner, although Storm fought back with a drop kick to the head. Veto applied several stomp kicks in the corner and then slugged a cone into his mid section with a bat. Storm came back to life and slammed Veto on the outside. Veto climbed the turnbuckle and Storm super-plexed him from the top! Storm tries again for another pin with a roll up, but fails. Veto executed a suplex and then went up top. Veto landed the elbow drop and then hit a jumping DDT. Lance Storm kicked out of the pin count, and the match continued. Veto then struck Storm with a cane. Storm magical slapped on a one leg Boston Crab and Veto was unable to reach to ropes. Storm showed off his newly won Hardcore title, along with his Canadian belt.

Booker T segment
- Before Booker T gets down to business he took a moment and thanked his fans for being there with him. Booker told Jarrett "to save his drama for his momma!" After some of Booker's remarks, Goldberg's decides to crash the party. Goldberg reminded the fans that Booker T said he would put up his title every Monday night. Goldberg made a challenge and Booker accepted. Just when we are excited, The Cat's music hit. The Cat told Goldberg he doesn't choose whom Booker T will face, the fans do! The Cat said fans can vote on WCW.com to see who he fights. The Cat mentioned Sting is on the list, as well as many others. The Cat then warned Goldberg to leave the ring; he then told him he would kick his butt himself. Goldberg blew up at that and attacked The Cat. It appears that WCW.com is down, possibly crashed. It will be interesting to see who wins if the site is down. Here's the list: Goldberg, Sting, Billy Kidman, Lance Storm, Mike Awesome, Kanyon, Buff Bagwell, The Franchise, Stevie Ray, and Vampiro.

Billy Kidman is at ringside and announces he has a tape of him and Torrie Wilson making love. He said he will reveal it later tonight. Keep in mind you can catch pictures of the show by clicking my link below.

Major Gunns/Lt. Loco vs. David Flair vs. Ms Hancock
- Lt. Loco nailed Flair with several slams and scored a near fall. Flair tried to hold Gunns and Hancock jumped and missed Gunns. Flair and Hancock ensue in an argument, Gunns sneaks up from behind and scored an easy pinfall. After the match Hancock returned and ripped the shirt off of Major Gunns! Yet another kodak moment pictures below.

- Sting is backstage to cut an interview. He tells the fans that it is the real Sting and that his mask is coming off tonight!

- Goldberg told the fans that if someone else would be picked instead of him, that man would leave in a body bag.

Jeff Jarrett vs. Kronic
- Before the match one of the Kronic members is shown laid out in the back with a broken guitar. Bryan Adams came out alone, seemly confused about his partner. Adams executed a piledriver and then a near fall. Adams then slammed Jarrett on the outside. Jarrett fought back by shoving Adams into the ringsteps. Jarrett took him back into the ring and scored a nearfall. Jarrett came off the top-rope, but was caught by Adams. Jarrett is then kicked in the face and he dropped to the mat. Adams pounded JJ in the corner, but JJ jabbed him in the throat with the guitar. Adams raised Jarrett to the sky and slammed him to the mat. Clark returned to the ring and he executed their finisher on the ref through a table. Jarrett sneaks out of the ring and it ended in a no contest. Mark Madden was complaining someone spilled his drink, what else is new. He's always complaining about something, esp. food.

- Backstage The Cat agreed to be Vampiro's ref tonight.

- Backstage, Shane Douglas confronts Torrie Wilson about the video Kidman has. Torrie said "it's from that one time .." and then ran off.

- On the WCW.com poll, Sting is in the lead 35%.

Vampiro vs. Great Muta
- Insane Clown Posse, along with Vampiro and Demon parade to the ring to the tune of "You Have To Take It!" Great Muta came ready to wrestle. At first Vampiro kicked the Cat, by accident? Then Muta kicked him, followed by the whole Posse. The Cat is down in the ring, and ICP are celebrating. The Cat awoke and whooped some ICP butt, something Eminem would like to do.

Sting vs. Booker T
- While WCW announcers ramble about a record-breaking poll, the truth is there was no poll. Sting made his way to the ring, and Goldberg is right behind him. Goldberg knocked him out on the ramp and is then restricted by security. Booker T helped the medics carry Sting off the ramp. Goldberg is left in the ring, and he told Booker T to get in the ring.

Goldberg vs. Booker T
- Forget the fan poll, Booker T accepted Goldberg's challenge. Goldberg slammed Booker T off the ringsteps and then applied a arm submission hold. The ref called for a break and Stevie Ray tossed in the towel, but the ref didn't see it. The Cat came to the ring and said Goldberg is the winner. However, not the World Champion because Booker never gave up. Goldberg taunts the fans before leaving the ring.

- Backstage, Booker T stormed into The Cat's office. Booker T demanded a rematch. After a little convincing, The Cat decided to re-book the match.

Buff Bagwell vs. Kanyon
- Bagwell entered the ring with his mother along side of him. Kanyon music played, and he is no where to be found. Despite Ms. Bagwell's harsh words, Kanyon still doesn't show up. And Judy Bagwell even does a little jig in the ring. Here the cameraman came out from his spot and nailed Buff. Judy ripped off his mask, and it's Kanyon ... big surprise. Kanyon took out Buff and then pursued Ms. Bagwell. Judy tried throwing her shoes at him. Kanyon chased her down and stuff her in a car trunk ... now that's what I call family entertainment.

Mike Awesome vs. The Franchise
- Out came the Fat Chick Thriller, is that Mrs. Madden I see? Awesome started out whooping Franchise and then dove from the top-rope to nail Franchise outside. Franchise takes control of the match, thanks to some Torrie Wilson interference. Franchise applied a chin hold, but Awesome fought out of it. Awesome then drove right through Franchise with a running lariat, followed by a splash. Just then Kidman puts on the Torrie Wilson sex tape. It is broadcast on the Nitro Vision and shows Torrie and Kidman getting jiggy. Kidman came onto the ramp and showed the fans Wilson's see-through underwear! Torrie stormed up the ramp, while Awesome scored the pinfall. After the match Lance Storm attacked Mike Awesome.

- Backstage Shane Douglas beat up a TNT employee for airing the Torrie Wilson tape.

- Kidman returned to the ring to tell the fans he made copies. He said he made a special copy for Mark Madden. Backstage it showed several wrestlers enjoying the film.

Caged Heat - Rey Jr./Juvi. vs. Chuck Palumbo/Shawn Stasiak vs. MIA vs. Shawn O'Haire/Mark Jindrak
- All the men are beating one another. O'Haire and Jindrak are the first team to escape. The Perfect Event easily escapes. There are only two teams left in the cage. MiA and the Filthy Animals. The Perfect Event returned to the ring to lock the cage door shut. Disco climbed the cage and has opened an escape route for the Filthy Animals. Instead of Ray escaping he leg dropped Hugh G. Rection off the top of the ladder. Hugh escapes first, followed by Rey Jr. Hugh and Rey are ontop of the cage fighting it out. Both Juvi and Corp. Cajun escape the cage. The announcers point out that Juvi got out first. The Filthy Animals setup a table around the ring, and Juvi is set on it. Rey stopped Hugh from splashing Juvi through the table. Hugh attacked Rey and then found a way out of the cage. MIA will move on to New Blood Rising, The Filthy Animals, however, will not.

- Backstage Goldberg tossed Stevie Ray through a window.

Booker T vs. Goldberg II
- Booker T attacked Goldberg from behind. Booker had control, until Goldberg decided to fight back. Soon after, Jarrett rushed to the ring and smashed Goldberg with a chair. Goldberg then speared Jarrett and The Cat side kicked Goldberg. Booker T executed Rock Bottom and pinned Golberg. After, Goldberg jackhammered Booker T and then attacked everyone in the ring.