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July 24, 2000
Austin, Texas
Hosted by Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler
Report by Jason Hamil of Pro Wrestling Realm 2000

Opening Segment - Mick, Steph, Chris, Shane
Foley comes down and says that he wanted to make sure Fully Loaded was a great event, and it was. He talks a little more about missing being in the ring, and he admits that he wishes he was in the main event. Before long, Chris Benoit and Shane McMahon come down to the ring. Benoit is very upset, and he says that he proved to all the fans that he is the best wrestler in the WWF. He demands a rematch with The Rock, and Foley turns him down. Just then, Triple H's music comes on, and down comes Stephanie. Chant's of "slut" begin almost immediately as she enters the ring. Stephanie says that last night, Triple H proved to the world that he is the game, and he is the best. She adds that last night, after Fully Loaded, Triple H proved to her multiple times that he was that damn good. She demands to Mick that he makes Benoit take on the Rock, and he responds by saying when he takes a few hard shots to the head, Stephanie looks attractive... almost. Stephanie then slaps him, and he puts her and Shane up against two opponents of his choosing. Mick tells Shane to make sure Benoit does not get involved, and for Steph to tell Triple H not to get involved, and if they do, they will be fired.

Steve Blackman vs. Road Dogg (Hardcore Title)
Match begins and Road Dogg lands his Stinging Right Hands. Blackman comes right back with a Right of his own, and Road Dogg falls. Blackman beats on him for a little while, and goes under the ring to grab two garbage can covers. He beats on Raod Dogg with these, and he gets the Trash Can from outside of the ring and wedges it in the corner. Road Dogg then dodges Blackman's running Clothesline, and gives him a Drop Toe Hold into the garbage can. From here, Road Dogg takes control of the match, and he nails Blackman right in the face with the Garbage Can. Road Dogg comes back in the ring with a Kendo Stick, and Blackman breaks his in two. Blackman counters Road Dogg's attacks, and he takes it to him. Road Dogg kicks Blackman in the ribs, but he comes back and hits Road Dogg about 8 times with the sticks. Blackman nails Road Dogg with a Suplex, Road Dogg tries to fight back, but Blackman cracks Road Dogg over the head with his Kendo Stick, and he wraps up the victory.

- After the match, Steph is in the Dressing Room, getting ready for her match later tonight. Triple H arrives, and she tells him the whole story about how she gets in the match. Triple H gets very upset, and he sees more flowers on the table. He gets upset, and asks who they are from, Steph tells him to read the card, and he destroys the flowers, only for Steph to tell him they were from her.

Shane and Steph vs. Lita and Big Show
- When Raw returns, Shane and Steph are in the ring. Big Show's music comes on, and Shane runs out of the ring. Lita comes down, and this is now a one on one match. Lita and Steph are in the ring, and Lita completely destroys Steph. Lita has no mercy on her, and she lays Steph out. Lita goes to the top to deliver a Moonsault, and Trish Stratus comes down to the ring and knocks Lita off of the ropes. She then takes off a belt and she whips Lita with it. After the match, Trish and Steph walk out together, with their arms around each other's shoulders.

- Raw returns and Big Show is searching for Shane backstage.

The Godfather vs. Bull Buchanan
If The Godfather loses this match, he must give up Pimping forever. Match begins and Bull takes the early control. He nails Godfather with a Suplex, and follows it with a cover, but only for a 2 count. Bull continues his assault, choking Godfather on the ropes. Godfather tries to fight back, but Bull evades his Flying Clothesline, and keeps his control of the match. Match moves outside, and chants of "Save The Hoes" begins. Bull brings the match back into the ring, and Godfather begins to fight back. He rushes Bull into the turnbuckle, but Bull gets a knee up. Bull is back on the Offensive End, and he continues to destory The Godfather. Godfather gains an opening when he moves out of the way of Bull, who tries to attack in the corner. Meanwhile, Stephan Richards pushes down one hoe, and kicks the other in the face. The referee comes outside of the ring to see what is going on. The Godfather continues to beat on Bull, and he goes for the Hoe Train. Stephan slaps him with a chair, and Bull nails a Legdrop from the top rope for the victory.

- Shane is running from Big Show, still. He is in the parking lot, running across the top of cars, trying to escape. He does, and will survive for now.

- Before the match, Kurt says he asked for a rematch, but Undertaker did not defeat Kurt Angle last night, he defeated a man in fear.

Kurt Angle vs. The Undertaker
Match begins and Kurt fights for all he is worth. Undertaker beats on him, and takes control of the match. Just then, the camera cuts to the outside and Shane is seen running through the crowd. He climbs in the ring, and Big Show follows. Undertaker prepares Shane for a Chokeslam, but Big Show says to let him have it. Just then, Big Show nails Undertaker and all 3 men attack The Undertaker. It looks as if Kurt Angle and Big Show have joined Shane's stable. They beat on Undertaker for a little while longer, and all 3 men head to the back. The 'Medics try to help The Undertaker, but he turns all of them away.

- Michael Cole asks Undertaker what he plans on doing as Raw returns, and he says "Payback is gonna be a bitch." Just then, all 3 men come out and attack Undertaker once again, shattering a Cinder Block on his knee.

- Chris Jericho comes down to the ring, and he talks about Triple H, and he gives Triple H a lot of credit. Jericho admits it was the best match of his career, and he says that Triple H did destory him, and he deserves credit for it. Jericho then challenges Triple H to a rematch tonight. Triple H hops on the Titan Tron. He also gives Jericho a lot of credit, saying he is tougher than he though, and he gives him a lot of credit. He says that above everything Jericho proved, he proved that he is nowhere near Triple H's ability. Triple H tells Jericho there will be no match tonight, and he suggests that Jericho goes to his hotel and lick his wounds. Jericho tells Triple H that all that means is that he is going back there to fight him. Jericho exits the ring, and walks to the back. He attacks Triple H in his Dressing Room, and they fight for a bit, but the referees break it up.

Shane, Big Show, Benoit, and Angle are talking in the Parking Lot. Shane and Big Show hop in a Limo and Shane wishes both men good luck, and Big Show and Shane exit the arena.

Tazz vs. Scotty
Match begins, and Scotty keeps it close in the beginning. Scott rakes the eyes of Tazz, and he takes control of the match. Scotty begins to taunt Tazz and bit, and show off for the crowd. He nails The Worm, and goes on the ring apron. Just then, Tazz locks the Tazzmission on, and drags Scotty into the center of the ring. Scott has nowhere to go, and he submits.

- After the match, Rikishi Phatu came down and beat Tazz up for a little while. Then, he and Scotty walked to the back.

- In the back, Mick is talking to Edge and Christian, and they are happy they still have the Tag Team Titles. Mick informs them that they will go up against The Hardy Boys and The Dudley Boys for the Tag Titles later tonight. After that, Kane walks in and trashes everything in Mick's "office." He demands Benoit, Shane, Angle, and Big Show. Mick says he cannot give him all of them, because Shane and Big Show left. He said he will take care of it and Kane says alright.

- Raw returns, and Mick runs into Kurt Angle in the back of the arena. Mick says he did not like the fact that Angle and the 3 other guys took out Undertaker, so tonight, it will be Kane and The Rock vs. Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit.

Edge and Christian vs. Dudleys vs. Hardys (Tag Titles)
- Match begins with Buh Buh and Edge in the ring. Edge takes the early control over Buh Buh, and he tags Christian in for the double team. Buh Buh fights back against both men, and he tags D-Von in. D-Von is now working on Christian, and he puts him on his shoulders, while Buh Buh nails him with a Flying Clothesline off the top. They cover Christian, but Jeff breaks the count. The Dudleys go outside and grab a table, but Edge nails a Baseball Slide on Buh Buh, and nails gus face on the Announcer's Table. Meanwhile, The Hardys give Edge the Twist of Fate, and the Swanton Bomb, but Buh Buh pulls the ref. outside of the ring. The Dudleys nail Edge with a 3D, but Jeff nails D-Von with the Swanton Bomb. Christian tosses Jeff outside of the ring, and Edge covers D-Von for the victory.

- In the back, Trish is complaining about her match tonight with Lita, saying she will sue Foley for sexual harrassment.

The Rock and Kane vs. Kurt Angle and Benoit
In the beginning of this match, Benoit and Rock fight back and forth. Rock gains the upper hand, but Benoit begins to fight back. These men go toe to toe for a while, until Benoit tags in Angle and Rock tags in Kane. Kane and Angle are now in the ring, and Kane takes Angle apart. Kane reverses all of Angle's moves, and if he doesn't reverse it, he gets up right after it. Kane grabs Angle by the neck, but Benoit jumps in the ring to break the hold. Angle nails Kane with a Chop Block, and continues to work on the Left Leg of Kane. Kane begins to fight back. Angle quickly tags out, and Benoit comes back in the ring. Benoit Drop Kicks Kane's knee, and tags back in Angle. Both men work on Kane's knee, while Rock is forced to watch. Angle is now back in the ring, and he drives his elbow to the knee of Kane. Angle now uses a Modified Leg Wrench, but Kane rights it off. Kane makes his way to the corner to tag in The Rock, and Angle grabs his leg. Kane nails an Back Brain Kick, and tags in Rock. Benoit is also tagged in. Rock gets Benoit in the Crippler Crossface, and Kane battles Angle up the ramp. Just then, Big Show and Shane attack Kane. Rock breaks the hold and attacks Shane, but Angle, Benoit, and Shane jump The Rock. Big Show tosses Kane into the WWF.com sign on the Titan Tron, and it looks as if the bad guys have won this round.