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Thunder Results

July 19, 2000
East Lansing, MI
Hosted by Tony Schiavone, Bobby Heenan, & Mike Tenay
Report courtesy of David Spivey & Ultimo TOC

- The show opens with a recap from Monday's Nitro.

- We see both Booker T. and Stevie Ray arriving at the arena and we are told that Harlem Heat will team up against Jeff Jarrett and Rick Steiner tonight.

Crowbar vs. "Above Average" Mike Sanders
Jeff Jarrett is down for commentary, bickering about Booker T. being a "paper" champion. Crowbar dominates early with a series of suplexes. Mike Tenay is rather testy tonight as he verbally spars with Jarrett. Sanders gains control mid-match as the crowd is rather quiet. Beautiful Northern Lights suplex by Crowbar gets a two count. We see Lenny Lane in the crowd with his "Use Me" sign. Daffney hits her Frankenscreamer from the top on Sanders. Sanders is sat in a chair on the outside as Crowbar flies from in the ring to the otuside with a cross bodyblock. Sanders goes outside and grabs Jarrett's guitar and smacks Crowbar with it to attain an upset 1-2-3.
Winner: "Above Average" Mike Sanders

- Lenny Lane is shown in the crowd being escorted out of the arena by security. Jarrett leaves the announce table as the Harlem Heat music starts up. Booker T. shows up at the entranceway and Jarrett tries to get him in the ring. Rick Steiner attacks Booker from behind and then Stevie Ray shows up to give a preview of the tag team action later tonight.

- Commercial break and then a visibly upset Daffney tells Crowbar that she will get revenge for what just happened. Lenny Lane is in the back looking to get his job from the Cat. Miller calls him a "jobber" and tries to make him grab a pebble out of his hand before he can snatch it away to get his job back. Lane does, but Miller rebukes and tells him that he must beat the Wall in a tables match later tonight to get his job back.

- Lance Storm is down and, of course, we get the obligatory Canadian National Anthem played beforehand. Storm then cuts a promo talking about the history of the U.S. Championship. He declares the U.S. Title "dead and buried" from this point forward. He proclaims and renames it the WCW Canadian Heavyweight Championship, much to the crowd's chagrin. He then pastes a sticker of the Canadian flag on the U.S. belt. He calls for security to bring a fan into the ring. A rather obese lady is brought into the ring. Storm says that she deserves respect for being a wrestling fan, then runs her down for her weight. Mike Awesome has heard enough and storms (pardon the pun) to the ring. Kanyon comes in to deliver a Kanyon Cutter, but Awesome takes him down. Storm and Kanyon get the advantage, but Buff cleans house and the crowd goes bonkers.

- Jarrett kabongs Mike Sanders in the back for taking his guitar earlier.

- After a commercial break and Ms. Hancock is with David Flair in the back and she tells him that he wants him to win the Cruiserweight Title match against Lt. Loco tonight.

The Wall vs. Lenny Lane - Tables Match
The Wall utterly dominates this contest with his raw power. Lenny gets a brief advantage, but the Wall gets the table out on the outside. As the Wall tries to get back in the ring, Lenny Lane comes charging at the Wall and gives him a forearm shot, which sends him through the table. Lenny has his job back with the company.
Winner: Lenny Lane

- M.I.A. is getting ready for action tonight and then we see Mike Sanders getting up from the guitar shot by Jarrett. Daffney races in and knocks him back out with a chair.

- Commercial and then Kronic is back doing a photo shoot as the Filthy Animals sneak in their dressing room.

David Flair vs. Lt. Loco - Cruiserweight Title Match
David is wrestling this match tonight in a shirt and tie with slacks. Miss Hancock helps David get the advantage in the early portions of the match. Back and forth action until Miss Hancock throws a chair into the ring. Major Gunz chases Miss Hancock away to the back and this distraction allows Lt. Loco to hit his Tornado DDT finisher for the pinfall.
Winner: Lt. Loco (still Cruiserweight Champion)

- Major Gunz attempts to "revive" David in the ring, but Miss Hancock runs in a catfight ensues. The Cat is in the back and tells Lenny that he has his job back. On the other hand, he fires the Wall, who responds by choking out Miller as security intervenes. As Sanders stumbles up again, Kanyon arrives and gives him a Kanyon Cutter in the back.

- After a commercial break, the Cat is walking down a hallway trying to get his focus back. That strange music starts up and the Jung Dragons show up for more tomfoolery.

The Great Muta vs. Tank Abbott
Quite a contrast in styles for this contest. Tank uses his power to take control with Muta using his quickness for small advantages. The Jung Dragons show up and all start to attack Tank in the ring. Ernest Miller charges in and sends all of them out of the ring. Muta sprays the green mist in Miller's face, but catches a punch from Tank. He is out for the 1-2-3.
Winner: Tank Abbott

- Major Gunz challenges Miss Hancock to a "ROTC" match at New Blood Rising. ROTC standing for Rip Off The Camoflauge. Kronic shows back up to their dressing room to find it plundered.

- Another commercial and then Rick Steiner is in the back telling Jeff Jarrett that he has a plan for tonight's match.

The Filthy Animals vs. Kronic
The Filthy Animals comes out wearing all of Kronic's gear. Konnan is on commentary for this bout. Rey and Juventud look awfully small in comparison to Kronic and their power is evident from the outset. This is a total squash as Kronic hits the High Times, but Rey breaks up the pin. Unfortunately, it wasn't enough as Kronic finishes off the Filthy Animals in a match that seems designed to put Kronic way over.
Winners: Kronic

- Shane Douglas is down to the ring with Torrie after a commercial, carrying a duffle bag. In the bag, Shane pulls out a copy of Stuff magazine. He reads a question about sexual innuendo, having Torrie read the answer as the crowd boos. They then start making out in the ring as Kidman roars into the ring and takes Douglas down and out. He grabs Torrie, but Douglas knocks him out with a dumbbell.

- Commercial break and then the Artist has requested interview time. With no Paisley at his side, he issues an open challenge to any champion in WCW, being the semi-main eventer that he is. Big Vito attacks him and it seems we have a match.

The Artist vs. Big Vito - Hardcore Title Match
We stumble into wardrobe, where Paisley and Kiwi are getting fresh. The action spills toward the ring, as per the rules in WCW Hardcore Title matches. More of your typical brawling with Vito dominating the action. Vito brings a table in and both men are up on it. Vito is going for a jumping DDT through the table, but the table gives and the fans don't appreciate that. Anyhow, Vito hits a jumping DDT in the ring and gets the pin.
Winner: Big Vito (still Hardcore Champion)

Kanyon & Lance Storm vs. Mike Awesome & Buff Bagwell
This was a good matchup between four solid wrestlers. Storm drew big heat from the crowd for his Canadian antics. Numerous nearfalls in this contest as Awesome gets control for his team. Storm gets Awesome in the Canadian Maple Leaf, but Buff flies off with the Blockbuster. Easy three count, but Kanyon pulls the ref out of the ring. Awesome regains his composure and attempts a running powerbomb, but Kanyon catches him in a Kanyon Cutter and gets the pinfall.
Winners: Kanyon & Lance Storm

- Scott Hudson interviews Kevin Nash and Nash states that his loss to Goldberg at Bash at the Beach was bogus and the management in WCW wanted Hall out, no matter what. They go through his injuries and actions in WCW and questionable behavior. Nash says that Hall is fine and was just a good actor. He says that it's the Goldberg, the Brad Siegel, the Ted Turners that don't want him back. Nash says that he has 17 months left on his contract and then he will see what happens. He says that if WCW won't let Hall back and he goes somewhere else, he will leave as well. He proclaims that Goldberg hasn't paid his dues in this business and never will. He says that Goldberg has changed and he doesn't want anything to do with him personally. Nash says that the Internet is only good for invading his privacy. They bring up the three way dance scheduled for New Blood Rising with Goldberg, Steiner and Nash. Nash "shoots" and says that no matter how the match is laid out, he will "go over" in that match because it is his time.

Harlem Heat vs. Jeff Jarrett & Rick Steiner
Midajah is down with Jarrett & Steiner for this match, obviously a part of the plan. The Cat comes down for commentary and says he wants to make sure the match is fair. The World Champ is in control to start the match off. Midajah climbs to the top, but Miller tells the "hoochie" to get down. The Cat handcuffs himself to Midajah so there won't be any interference. Stevie Ray gets a chair and brings it into the ring. However, Miller takes it away and the heels get the edge. They cut the ring off and keep Stevie Ray trapped in their half of the ring. Stevie finally makes a tag and Booker is a house of fire. Jarrett gets to the top and delivers a superplex, but the momentum allows Booker to roll over and get the three count!
Winners: Harlem Heat

- Post-match and Jarrett lays out Booker with a guitar shot as we fade to black.