The Requirements of the Guardians
- The Guardians is a clan of Good, so our members must reflect this in all ways.
- Before you can join the ranks of the Guardians, you must first prove worthy enough to carry its name and the honor and prestige gained by it. You will be of good alignment (or be so after your next rebirth) and have a reputation in the dream that is favorable. Also for consideration of your acceptance is your knowledge of the land, a sort of test is given to be sure that you have explored and know the land available to you as well as you should.
- Deathknights, because of their inherited need to destroy good, are not allowed in the clan. If the members within the clan believe one is worthy enough to join the ranks of the Guardians, then it may be so (for that remort only)...each will be reviewed on an individual basis.
- Each Guardian must act accordingly to the clan dictums, and be conscious of the fact that what he/she does reflects upon the clan and its members.
- A member of the Triumverate will follow the code put forth by the Leaders and Philosophy. It is important to remember that it is not easy being good but the rewards, of being good, can be great. Thus before you think to join the Guardians, you might wish to ponder what the Good means to you and how you can add value to our cause. We are looking for those courageous souls who are noble and honorable and who are willing to show that in the Dream.
- Should one wish to join the Guardians a reputation for good deeds and for helping others is assuredly something which will be taken into consideration and is something which is looked for in all prospective members.
- The clan is one of unionism...we all stive to meet our goals together. We all work in conjunction, although in different life paths, to come to one central end.
- All Guardians will be willing to put the clan and its members in front of onesself.
- Evil will undoubtibly murder and plunder the Dream as it has done for many ages. Each member has taken a vow to eradicate the dream from such evil and was almost sucessful in this endeavor. The elders have learned from the last cataclysm and now two paths have been chosen to thwart off evil advances.
- The first path is that of apprentice. Good and evil have clashed in the dream and each apprentice must learn the ways good have overcome evil. They must also learn from their mistakes...by doing so, the Guardians will become ever so powerful.
- The second path is that of the Guardian, he who promotes the
Good through acts of eradicating the Evil which
exists in the Dream. As evil lays waste to the lands, the Guardians must be there to reclaim it. The stregth of the Goddess Obscura is behind us...by keeping Evil at bay, we will be able unlock Goods full powers.