Successful High School English Students Start Here
Welcome to Mrs. Brown’s English class. I am excited to have you as a student. During your quest to successfully complete this class, you will find that there are many features that you may have already learned in your prior English classes.
In order to be a successful student in this class, you must understand and use the three areas of our English class. These three areas are grammar, composition, and literature.
- Grammar
is the study of the classes of words, their tone, and their purpose and
relation in the sentence. Grammar is also the rules
for forming the words and sentences of a language.
- Composition
is the arranging of ideas, facts, and opinions into an artistic
literary work. The composition is arranged in a specific ratio
or correlation.
- Literature
is the writings in prose or verse.
Literature has a timeless significance. Literature
includes: stories, poems, plays, essays, and yes, movies.
This website has been designed to
you understand
these three areas. Click on the links to the left to get to the
section. If what you need assistance which is not covered in this
please contact me. My contact information is also on the left side of
the page.
Teaching Philosophy
The broad goals of education are to prepare students for the future both academically and socially. The preparation for my students’ futures can best be met by my willingness to continually learn how to help them reach their goals by engaging the students and stimulating their minds. Therefore, it is my goal to become an active participant in the learning processes of my students by motivating them to develop skills necessary to become tomorrow’s leaders. I will work together with my students, their peers, and their families to ensure they have the skills needed to provide them with a successful future. I vow to stimulate their minds and enlighten them in a way that raises their own cognitive levels, cognitive awareness, self-awareness, and social awareness.In today’s society, we must look to our children to help maintain the changes that are continually happening. Therefore, I will be implementing technology in the classroom in order to prepare my students for the fast-paced society they will become a part of. Each and every student in my classroom will have ample opportunity to learn and to use new technologies. If a student does not have access to technologies in the home, ample opportunities to use school resources will be provided.
Together, my students and I will explore the various areas of Language Arts. In learning Language Arts, my students will have the ability to communicate with their words, compositions, and letters more effectively. I feel that a student’s ability to communicate with his peers is the most important skill they could develop. As a language arts teacher I will be responsible for teaching my students to effectively communicate so that they may be the leaders of our future. With the ability communicate successfully, my students will be more apt to impact the world in a positive manner. Furthermore, it is my responsibility to reach my students in a way that they are prepared to function positively both academically and socially. Therefore, I will help the students to find their individuality by giving them the ability to fully express themselves. It is through art and literature that most freedom of expression can be found.
With these skills that I teach them, I hope that each of my students will be able to succeed in the world and make changes that facilitate the betterment of society. I want them to be able to show compassion to other individuals in the world around them. I hope they are able to not only learn in my classroom, but to exceed their expectations.
I am prepared to not only teach my students in a way that may enlighten them, but also to learn from my students in a way that will make me more of an effective teacher. Therefore, my students and I are in a partnership with one another as we journey together through this life-long process we call learning. A student never stops being a student and a teacher never stops teaching. Likewise, learning is a reciprocal arrangement where all of us are teachers and all of us are students. We learn from interacting with one another more than what we can in a lecture style format. Therefore, it is my belief that learning is a transactional interaction between individuals and groups of individuals.
The most important value that I will promote in my classroom is tolerance. In order to make a better tomorrow students must be able to accept their peers and show compassion to all people that they will encounter throughout their lives. Because I believe that all students can learn, I will facilitate my students in their learning opportunities. I will never give up on a student because of their values, beliefs, gender, race/ethnicity, or cognitive development. All of my students will be given an opportunity to learn and grow in my classroom. My classroom will be an inclusive classroom that is a model for tolerance. It will be a safe place for my students to learn, because I understand that a student’s ability to learn can be greatly reduced if they feel they are in danger. I will refer to them as partners in one another’s education and myself as a member of their learning team. I vow to challenge my students no matter their cognitive level in a way that all of my students are able to excel beyond their own expectations.