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Veteran California thrash/death metal act Habeas Corpus' five-song demo tape kicks right into a Blistering Rush of Thrashing Metal. Blistering!!
A.Bromley - Unrestrained (Canada)
They label themselves as Death-Thrash. However, don't let that throw you off. It is better than 90% of the crap out there under that "Umbrella"...Overall, I would say that this is one of the better bands out there right now. In Fact, I would have to say that this is one of the Best Un-signed bands I have ever gotten.
The Webmaster - AbrasiveRock.Com (United States)
Direct, In the Vein of early Bay Area Thrash Mongers Epidemic, You can now add Habeas Corpus to the ranks of Testament, Vio-lence & Exodus...Extreme!
Fabrice LeFave - DarkWave Magazine (France)
It's Pretty Well put together and has a Solid enough Production, But what I like most is that the sound is a complete throw back. Wise without any nods to modern trends - No Shrieked Vocals, Keyboards or Korn Riffs...and I Thank the Metal Gods for that.
Ula Gehret - Metal Maniacs (United States)
HABEAS CORPUS - Stains Absorb
Habeas Corpus comes at you from every Perspective. While Administering Violent Riffs, Lacerating Grinds and Relentless Power...They are a Ride any thrill seeker should try to Stomach.
Chris Poland - Eclipse Records (United States)1998
HABEAS CORPUS - Stains Absorb
Having heard the groups name for sometime, the thing I think I like best about Habeas Corpus is the guys sound a lot like one of my favorite bands of all time, Epidemic, especially in the Vocal style of Don McMillan III which are Very Powerful in their Raw yet Enunciated Growl. Their Music combines the Best and Heaviest Elements of the Death and Especially the Thrash Metal Genres.
Marco Barbieri - Ill Literature (United States)1998
HABEAS CORPUS - Coated With Lies
Aggressive and Powerful, Habeas Corpus has been Pounding Respect out of the Northern California Thrash Metal scene for over 5 years. Critically Acclaimed as one of the Best of 1995's crop of Thrash Metal Debuts, "Coated With Lies" is a Testimony to the Groups Outstanding Musicianship and their Foresight to Punch Beyond the Lyrical Stereotypes of the genre with Diversity and Style.
Cedric Singleton - Black Market Records (United States)1996

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