Just Having Fun
by Mitch aka Handsomea
We escaped to the pond hidden deep in the woods
three ten-year-old boys from the wane of the crowd
Playing Tarzan, and pirates in search of a sailing ship
our Huck Finn would have made Mark Twain proud.
Our wooden sticks were as sharp as Blackbeard´s sword
we lowered our brows, ready to attack on any sea
Sleeves from old shirts gave us our bandanas
just having fun, Clarence Brown, Bobby and me
Three summers we spent wading in water to our knees
then a bolt of lightning struck us one terrible day
A disease neither I nor Bobby could even spell
came and took our friend Clarence Brown away.
The pond was gone to us, the pirates never returned
years later we did go back and sat on the pond´s leeward side
I with my head between my legs, Bobby supported by a tree
we sobbed for hours, recalling the day Clarence died.
Once a year we trek through the woods to that pond
but the tears are now gone for we only wish to see
Kids who build a raft that sunk at first launch
just having fun, Clarence Brown, Bobby and me.
By Handsomea aka Mitch
(October 1998)
© All rights reserved Handsomea aka Mitch
This page was designed for a friend to display his poem. ~Niftyann~
August 30, 1999
Links to Mitch's other beautiful Poetry pages
The Sighting of Sim Muir
The Candle
A Serious Poet Clowns Around
Ode To Wild Wind
The Songs of Annette
Blind To Beauty
A Path To Climb
Dancing Alone
The Wanderer
The Railroad
Shoes For Leann
Gone To Serenity
They Went Thataway
"Better Times"
"Better Times" was written and recorded by Bill Dickson!