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Moses Sherman married Bessie Bass (or perhaps Shmuel Sherman, son of Wolf, and Leah, daugh of David - see Lygumai Revision List, 1858, at bottom)
[Note also that in Paneveyzs Revision Lists, 1834, there is a head of family, Movsha SHERMAN, son of Shmuel. And listed with Movsha is Aron GLEZER, son of Itzek (see Aron Glasser Tree for possible connection), and Aizek Leiba KOLTUN, son of Abram, Abram KOLTUN, son of Leiba, and Meyer MASHKUTSKI, son of Shloma.]

1. Phillip (Peysach) Sherman (son of Moses Sherman and Bessie Bass according to death certificate), possibly born in Shavl (obit says "from Shemel") or Lygumai (since his son-in-law's family was from there), about 1828 (death cert. says age 91), died November 13, 1919, Berkley (Norfolk), Va.; possibly same as the Peysach Sherman listed in the Lygumai Revision List, 1858, (see below) listed as being the son of Shmuel, son of Wolf, and Leah, daugh of David.
[In addition, he may also be same as, or related to, "Shraga Faivish Frank, Kaunas, 1878" in Orahle-Hayim (Prenumeraten Lists) -- this list needs to be check. Also needing to be checked is "Feivish Frank, Kaunas, Lith., 1872" mentioned in an article in Hamaggid #10.]

- Auvrum David (1910 Baltimore Federal Census lists a David, age 47, married to a Baily, age 47, for 23 years, and having had 7 children, 5 of which were living at the time, 2 of which were living at that location: Morris M., age 19?, and Ida H., age 21; also lists a border, Bertha BRENNER) Note that this may be the same "Baila Sherman" listed in Mikro Kodesh cemetery records, Baltimore, as died Feb.25, 1949, age 84.

- Moses (1872, Pekroya-June 16, 1959, Baltimore) married Mary GOODMAN (1874-); he was naturalized Nov.22, 1893, Portsmouth, Va.

-- Abe (Mar.21, 1898, Baltimore, Md.- ) married (Nov.1, 1923) Ann FRIED (June 20, 1963, Baltimore-Nov.16, 1963)

--- Philip (attorney, Baltimore) married Helene Sonya SIEGEL

-- Joseph

-- Sarah

-- Rose

-- Harry

- Rebecca (Mumie Gutgie) (d.Dec.11, 1947, Baltimore) married Morris BRILL

-- Frank S.

-- Raymond A.

-- Milton

-- Esther married SOLOMON

-- Ida married EPSTEIN

-- Anna married RODMAN

-- Marian married BERNSTEIN

-- Edith CHMAR

- Sarah Fayga married David Berry GLASSER (see David Glasser Family Tree)

1. Phillip (Peysach) Sherman 2nd marriage was presumably to Sarah Leah or Lena (Tserla) FRANK GERBER, (ca.1838-April 5, 1915, death cert.), daughter of Philip (Shraga) FRANK, presumably first married to Yehuda Dov GERBER (see Gerber Families); presumably no children by this marriage of Phillip and Sarah Leah (however, Edith Morganstein claims that her father - see Gerber Families - brought his mother (presumably the same Sarah Leah) over in 1897 or 1898, at which time she was a widow under the name of KATZ; perhaps this was not the same as the current wife of Peysach SHERMAN?)

2. Annie married BRILL (all according to Phillip Sherman obit). Possibly same as the Bashe Sherman listed in the Lygumai Revision List, 1858 (see below).

3. brother (according to Phil Sherman obit). Possibly same as the Osher Iosel Sherman listed in the Lygumai Revision List, 1858 (see below)


Lygumai, 1858, Revision List:

Shmuel Sherman (age 50), son of Wulf, married to Leah, daughter of David

- Peysach (age 23)

- Osher Iosel (age 19)

- Bashe (age 17)

(Note: In same household apparently are Fleysman, Aronstam, and Goldblat.)

Lygumai, 1866, Revision List: Iosel Sherman, age 28, son of Shulem Sherman.

Lygumai, 1866, Revision List: Leyb Sherman (age 32), son of David Sherman, married to Sheyne (age 32), son of Shimkhel.