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Wanna see some other sites?Here are some really cool links? Buffy and non-Buffy. If you have any other links you would like me to list, just e-mail them to me! I really don't care if they're Buffy or not- I'll put them up anyway....

Buffy and Angel Links

The Buffy Cross and Stake

Much Ado about BtVS Awesome site where, among other things, you can become a watcher to your favorite character(s)

Psyche: Transcripts and Fanfiction Transcripts and sound for basically every Buffy and Angel episode, plus fanfic....

Flights of Angel

And you thought YOU were obsessed with BtVS

In the Arms of Angel

Past and Future Slayers

Buffy's Place

Non-Buffy Links

NEW: My LIveJournal-
My Smallville Site-Under Construction
All About Sarab about my mystical island (a visit would be much appreciated)
WannaBeatle's Wacky World my best friend's totally awesome Beatle's website

Webrings I belong to- Buffy and Non-Buffy

" This The Angel & Buffy Webring site is owned by
Sarah Bond.

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