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News from Sharon Kinsey

Updated June 11, 2005

The reunion will be held
Saturday, October 1, 2005
from 3:00 to 5:00

Another planning meeting was held today. We will
hold our last meeting on
September 10, 2005
1:00 pm

We are still selling chances on the picture shown below.

Columbia Shuttle Memorial Picture

Each chance will cost $1.00. All monies should be sent to

Janice Gilley
First Bank and Trust
PO Box 1200
Pineland, Texas 75968.

We are having a good response in selling the tickets.
These funds are being used to pay for our reunion.

Patti Fuller Hand is still trying to locate graduates.
If you know how to reach someone, please contact Patti or me.
We don't know all of the women's married names.
We also need addresses and emails addresses.
Promote the reunion and website.
We want to have all classes of 1970 - 1979 attend the reunion.
Help get the word out.

We will be sending postcards the first of September to be sure everyone has been contacted.

We have a good variety of door prizes to be given away at the reunion including some trips.

Special awards will be given out to each class. Awards for "who traveled the farthest," "most kids," etc. Each class will be awarded 5 awards.

We will be entering a float in the parade as a group. Sharon Byley will be heading this committee. She may be contacting you shortly for help.

If you are aware of someone that will donate drinks or other refreshements, please contact Stanley Jacks or me.

We will have a memory book on sale at the reunion. Orders will be taken at that time. It will have information about our classmates and class statistics, as well as the photos taken at the Reunion. The books can be ordered at the reunion and will mailed to you. If you are not able to attend the reunion, but would still like to have a Memory Book, you may purchase one by notifying me using one of the following:

Sharon Kinsey
820 N. Brassell
Carthage, TX 75633

Home: 903-693-7423
Cell: 903-692-3659

Stanley Jacks:
Patti Hand:
Janice Gilley:
Sharon Byley:

WSHS Reunion News