Note from Barbara:
I wrote this monologue in 1975 after hearing my pastor tell about a painting of Jesus with His hands outstretched to a small boy. Pastor Reeves said the painting was entitled, "What's The Matter With Your Hands, Mister ?" Though I have never seen the painting, my mind began painting a picture of the small boy talking to JESUS and this monologue resulted.



What's the matter with your hands, mister?

People drove nails into them ?

.......and into your feet, too?


what'd they do that for?

‘Cause you said you were whose son?

You mean,

....THE GOD....

...like who made the earth

....and me and stuff?

Awesome !


I never met anybody who was famous before !


Mmnm...guess it really hurt, huh ?

Your Heart hurt more than even your Body?


Tell me.....did you get even with ‘em ?

You loved ‘em and prayed for 'em?

Huh, that's not what I would've done!

Say, tell me, what'd your dad...


what'd He say about it?

He said to forgive them?

Man, I don t understand that.

Why, he could've zapped ‘em in a minute!

Better 'n Superman !


Hrnmm...tell me....

you didn't, well, do anything bad to somebody
to sort of deserve being done that way, did you ?

You made people well and made them feel better inside

and..and..you raised the dead ?!!!.


And after all that, they killed you.....

.......and You Still Loved Them....!


Boy, you are some kind of man......

And you really are the SON OF GOD ?


I don't understand it, but you know

.....I Believe It.


Hey, you know, I kinda like talking to you.

You make me feel real good.

You don t make me feel stupid.
You sort of like...accept me.


Would I like to have you for my best friend?

You betcha....I sure would!

You mean you'd hang around with me All the Time?

Boy, if I had you with me,

I wouldn't have to be afraid anymore, would I?

You seem awfully smart.

Betcha' you could teach me lots.


And you said your name was what?


Well, Jesus....ummmm.......

I don t know ‘zactly how to say this but......


Background from The Art of Greg Olsen

Music: "Oh How He Loves You and Me"

Copywrite 2003
Please do not use my monologue without permission.....thank you, Barbara


Other Spring/Easter pages

Were You There ?
Do You Believe in Easter ?
Ultimate Love
King Jesus
The Cross
Butterfly Whispers
Tribute to Spring

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