



As we left the beauty of the Baltic Sea resort cities,
we immediately began seeing horse and carts clip clopping down the highway between villages delivering milk or taking produce to market.
Open fields did not have fences and their single cows were staked for grazing.
Farmers were mowing fields with the sickle and building hay stacks by hand
......quaint, but very hard work.



Common Sights:

Cars broken down on the side of the road.

Individuals alongside the road with a gallon bucket of produce to sell.



The people are quickly learning about free enterprise.
This is a roadside "cafe", which is not a common sight.

Here they grill shishkebobs and offer drinks and a great crepe type of dessert.
They are building a restroom facility.....right now, you just choose a bush !

This was quite an improvement over the more common "bush stop".
Sometimes we would just make a stop and our guide would instruct us,
"Men to the left bushes, women to the right "!



Minsk, Belarus

Minsk is a very modern looking city
....because the ENTIRE city was leveled during WWII .




~ KGB Headquarters ~


This was my most unforgetable and chilling experience of the trip.

Walking down the narrow, dark stone stairway to the dimly lit holding rooms and torture chambers below,
I experienced the reality of what happened during the Soviet Regime.
From 1944 to 1953, some 350,000 Lithuanians alone were packed into cattle cars and shipped to Siberia
....or killed on the spot.

This all happened in secret and within the massive, impressive stone building in the center of the city.
Reality sets in when you walk along the outside of the building and read names and birth/death dates of the many who lost their lives here.
Most, both men and women, appeared to be in their 20's and 30's........man to man atrocities.

My, camera malfunctioned, so my documentation was lost.



*** Smolensk, Russia ***

My pictures from here were lost also. Maybe it is just as well.
We stayed at the Hotel Phoenix...our guide referred to it as the Smolensk Hilton !

It was the only hotel in the city and at one time had probably had many KGB officers as guests
It had a very large dark, dingy paneled pool room
...my imagination became very active as I viewed our surroundings.
They served our usual pork cutlet and mashed potatoes,
but offered dinner entertainment of music and singing......nice touch.




*** Novgorod, Russia ***
(This is out of trip order, but it fit better here. Novorod is located between Moscow and St. Petersburgh)

Novgorod is the oldest city in Russia and was totally leveled during WWII.

This was our hotel room
...small, but adequate
We arrived at 7:00pm, with dinner to be served at 7:30. At ten past, we were told the water would be turned off from 8:00 pm to 8:00am...
we were to leave at 8:15am !
~Apparently a common occurrence ~
We were told later that Russian Pres. Putin was in town that evening
... hope he got his shower early !

It was a "room with a view".
Apparently in 1991, when they received their independence, workers simply walked away.
This was a common sight in the cities.

Perhaps the private bath was an "afterthought".
Convenient......you could use the bathroom, brush your teeth and shower all at the same time !
Don't see the shower?
It's the slight offset on the left...two ceramic blocks wide..level to floor !

Notice the pail of water provided for the toilet.....guess we really are spoiled !


Only in 1991 did these people regain their independence from Soviet Union rule.
The reality of oppression began to become painfully obvious as we drove through this region.


*** Villages of Latvia ***
(Human needs Mission)
*** Tallin, Estonia and Riga, Latvia ***
(Charming old cities)
*** Vilnuis, Lithania/ Minsk, Belarus and Smolensk, Russia ***
(Pastoral scenes and KGB Geocide Victims Museum)
*** Moscow, Russia ***
(Beauty and the Beast)
*** St. Petersburg, Russia ***
(Young, beautiful city)


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Music: Russian Summer Waltz