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Most of my adult life has been devoted to instruction in the Biological Sciences--with emphasis on Ecology. Stick-making & I were a 'fit-from-the-start' I was unaware of my artisanship until I began receiving invitations to participate in upscale, select craft expositions such as Audubon Nature Fair; Shaker Forest Fest; Virginia State Celtic Games; National Arts & Crafts Show; Gilmore Craftsman Classic; Historic Craft Exposition; others...

Since the mid-90's, I have sold 1000's of sticks--all to patrons who gladly give testimonials per yours' truly! In short...a sapling from the woods--finished to your hand--takes on average a year for curing to refinement! Each stick carries a "born & made date"...a serial #...& is signed by me. . .A leather I.D. Hang-Tag & Thong is also included. . . In addition, each stick carries a personal guarantee on "workmanship for the rest of my life!" A three letter [struck] personalized monogram is offered at $5 added. Also a limited assortment of authentic Austrian made Walking-Stick Medallions are offered at option.

Shipping is mostly via USPS Priority mail. . .one stick to anywhere in USA takes less than 3 days for $7! 

{Please see other pages for pictures & prices}

My prime directive is to endeavor the enhancement of a naturally unique 
sapling transformed into a useful walking-stick that is both functional and a 
noble addition in any collection.