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The time is 2015 A.D., and it has been more than a decade after the Second Impact. The Second Impact is a planet-wide catastrophe that's said to have been caused by a meteorite that hit the earth. Mysterious beings known as Angels are attacking, and they can't be stopped using conventional weapons. Mankind's sole chance for survival lies in a humanoid fighting machine called the Evangelion. But the Eva units can only be piloted by children born exactly nine months after the Second Impact. To top it off, every Angel that appears is much more advanced than its predecessor, and the Evas can't defeat it using the same method twice. It's a question of how long humanity can hold off the Angels... and ultimately, the end of the world
a intro..
Neon Genesis Evangelion At the turn of the millennium the inhabitants of Earth are nearly completely wiped out by a mysterious supposed meteorite strike on Antarctica. Roughly half the population dies as a direct result of the strike, and the rest are left to struggle for survival amidst the rising savage seas due to melting of the polar ice caps. Now the year is 2015. As the remnants of the human race cower in subterranean cities, a deadly war is being waged for what is left of the planet, and for what lies there within. On one side are the mysterious alien beings known only as the Angels, on the other, the special agency NERV and mankind's last hope for survival; Using life like mechas called Evangelions to fight the angels. Yet amongst the ongoing devastation, few weary individuals at NERV struggle to uncover and piece together the agency's long buried secrets and hidden agendas along with the mysteries surrounding the arrival of the Angels. Why was the Earth struck fifteen years ago? A mere simple unfortunate act of nature, or perhaps an act of vengeance instigated by beings more powerful than man. Why did NERV classify the Angel responsible for the first attack on Tokyo-3 as the third, not the first? And just why are the only qualified Eva pilots that of children born exactly nine months after the second impact that massacred over half the human race? This intro starts off one of the best animated series ever Neon Genesis Evangelion..

Cegeta's short summary: This plot rocks.. follows this 14 year old boy named Shinji Ikari who has had a bad past cause his mom died under weird circumstances and he's ran away from home but his dad calls him back, to help save the world from these "Angels". But he really doesnt want to help thoe but is kinda forced into it.Well Ive told you too much already its a great anime series. ITs only 26 episodes, short like outlaw star but this series has a movie ending cause the people wanted a more explicit ending cause the series one wasnt good enough but all together I give it 5 stars out of 5. I liked it, youll probably like it if you understand it, rent it first.This series was created by the crew at studio GAINAX, there past credits are Gunbuster and some others. Right now adv is releasing the series, and Manga's about to release the movie later this year.

Bios coming soon.. and hopefully pics too

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