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First Generation:

First Generation:
Isaac Harris

Second Generation:

Third Generation:

Fourth Generation:

Fifth Generation:

Hooray! The Book is now up on the Web!

Click on this new link to the online book by Garda Hodgson: Descendants of Isaac Harris [OR - make a note of it --].

OR, If you want to return to the website you just came from:

Use your browser's "Back Arrow" to return to the page you came from, or select a hotlink to one of the five generation pages at the left of this screen.

This website is in process of construction. We have created hotlinks to a number of pages labeled as "Family Pages," but most of them do not yet have any content. The few that do have been prepared primarily as samples, to test out our formatting and general approach to constructing the website.

You can help!
Since you got here by trying out one of the site links, we may presume you are interested in that particular family. If that's true, then we would welcome your input about items that may be of interest to your branch of the family! Simply contact the Webmaster via e:mail to present your basic idea. He will be happy to work with you to make the page you tried to reach become a useful resource to your family members.

How to submit your materials:
If you have material to submit to be included in any part of this website, we would appreciate it if you will follow these conventions:

  1. If you use Microsoft Word or Word Perfect or a similar program to prepare text material, please save it in plain text format before sending it as an e:mail attachment. One way to do this is to open the item in Wordpad or Notebook and then save it with a .txt suffix. You also can do this within your word processing program, if you know how. The reason for this is that there are many ways a hacker can insert a virus into Word documents, and they can reside on your computer without your knowledge. So we will not even open any material submitted with a .doc (MS Word) suffix, as a standard precaution.

  2. If you send graphic images, whether photographs or other types of graphics, please resize the images in your graphics program so they are no larger than 4 inches by 6 inches, and save in a JPEG (.jpg) format, compressed so the file size is no larger than 30 KB. We can accept some up to 40 KB, but prefer images between 8-16 KB, or smaller. Any resolution larger than 75 dpi makes little or no difference when viewed on a computer monitor, so use low resolution. If others would like prints of the pictures displayed on your page, they may contact you to obtain a higher resolution image so they can have a better printout.

  3. If you know how to prepare webpages in standard HTML format, then you can submit the HTML coding as well, and save us a lot of time and trouble. The server does not allow use of Java scripts on this site. We use old-fashioned HTML 3.2 code, so the website will look okay to those who have not been able to update to the newer browsers that can display HTML 4.x. If you use an HTML editor to prepare your material, that's okay, but we will probably strip some of the headers and proprietary code, and edit it to comply with our more basic style.

So Go for it! Be sure to identify which particular family page you would like your material displayed on, and your family relationship, so we know your input is okay to publish. You can contact the webmaster by sending an e:mail to the webmaster and we'll work with you to get your own family page going!

If you have material that pertains to more current generation families, we will be happy to work with you on it, but we will recommend that you create your own webpages on a different server, such as Yahoo! Geocities ® or some other "free" website location. Lycos ® also has a free website option, provides great service, also. Netscape, ® MSN, ® and AOL, ® and most other ISPs will also host a website, though there are differences in the amount of free storage space provided. Some ISPs will provide only about 3 MB of storage, and will assess fees for usage, when others visiting your pages cause it to exceed their "bandwidth" limitations.

If we did not set these limits, we would swamp our server with too many files. It's possible we have not limited this site enough, by allowing for the first five generations! Until we get farther along with the site, we won't know whether we have been too ambitious in initial plans for this Isaac Harris Descendants site.

Our webmaster will help you get started with your own family website, if you need assistance.

Direct comments to: Doug Paulson, e:mail address (

This page last updated August 21, 2006

© 2001 Isaac Harris Descendants,
Doug Paulson, Webmaster,
All Rights Reserved.

What this copyright means is that you
can't copy this material for commercial gain.
Family members may copy items for personal use
and genealogical research. All manuscripts
reproduced on this site used by permission of
the respective authors, (e.g., copyright owners).