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First Generation:
Isaac Harris

Second Generation:

Third Generation:

Fourth Generation:

Fifth Generation:


    ... Descendants of Isaac Harris. This will become a link to the genealogy listing of the descendants of our common ancestor, Isaac Harris.
    ... There will be a link to each separate family line, to take you to the point in the large collection of genealogy tables that is of interest to you. However, once you have gone to the listing, it also will be possible to navigate within the tables without having to return to this page.

    ... We will make every effort to keep these family listings and links to other genealogy websites with information on any of Isaac Harris's descendants as up to date as possible. We will particularly appreciate any current updates to family information listed in the genealogy pages. If you note errors or omissions, please contact Doug Paulson, the webmaster.

    ... In some cases, we may already have the additions and corrections in our master database, but have not been able to get the online information corrected yet. Check the date of last update at the bottom of any particular page, which will tell you when the information was last reviewed and posted. If you spot errors, we will need to know your source of different information before making a change. If there is no primary evidence, but a difference of opinion between non-primary sources, we will list both sets of information, annotated to indicate there is an issue to be resolved. We hope this approach will help lead to resolution of situations where different descendants have conflicting information.

    ... We are using a large number of separate databases to assemble a master database to be posted later on this site. As of September 1, 2001, we really don't have a genealogical record posted yet. Before we do, we need to "sanitize" the information we do have, to privatize the data on living individuals, to avoid the potential for creating problems from internet hackers and others. Until then, we will post just a few text-formatted family group sheets on the generation pages.

    ... If you have information to submit to the site for posting, or family listings to add to the genealogy listings, please make every effort to proofread your information carefully before sending it to the webmaster or genealogy coordinator. This will reduce the need to make corrections after the data are posted. If you submit information, we will notify you when it gets posted, and the URL to use to see your submittal. Please check your listings and submit any updates to Carole as soon as practicable, after being so notified, so we can keep this database current and accurate.

Direct comments to: Doug Paulson, webmaster, e:mail address (

This page last updated September 1, 2001

© 2001 Isaac Harris Descendants,
Doug Paulson, Webmaster,
All Rights Reserved.

What this copyright means is that you
can't copy this material for commercial gain.
Family members may copy items for personal use
and genealogical research. All manuscripts
reproduced on this site used by permission of
the respective authors, (e.g., copyright owners).