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Toeth's Game Show Insights
||| WWTBAM | Greed | Twenty one | Winning Lines | Weakest Link | E-MAIL | LINKS |

Eight contestants battle each other, the clock and our host, Anne Robinson, in a trivia contest to see who is the "Strongest Link." The contestants play as a team in seven rounds of rapid-fire questions. Every time you get a question right, more money is added to the pot. Every time you get a question wrong, the pot goes down to zero. Smart players apply the strategy of BANKING to win as much prize money as possible. However, only one contestant will walk away with that money. Each round ends with the tyranny of the majority... a vote to jettison the "Weakest Link" among them out of the game. Each player who is voted out of the game leaves with NOTHING!

Photos: $125,000 win

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I'm The Strongest Link

Official NBC web-site

Official BBC UK web-site

The Weakest Link Online's Weakest Link Fan site

Stormseeker's Weakest Link Fan page

100% Unoffical Weakest Link site

Bohemia's Weakest Link

Weakest Link @ The Original Game show page

Weakest Link Interative