About The Knights of Valor
Well, this site was created on March 2, 2002 by Angelic_Skank. He had an idea like many people before him of creating a guild, a group of people you can trust, to come together and play with and against one another. Also to battle other clans and groups, and to just have fun on the greatest online rpg in existence.. Diablo..
Well, none of us play Diablo, just Diablo ii LoD expansion. If you have any questions or comments about this site or the clan, visit the comments section.
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Members List
Angelic_Skank -King
larstait -Count
oOThe-EliteOo -Baron
anthonyisgood -Duke
drakan_X -KoV
damn1hateuall -KoV
babyace_01 -KoV
kov_holy -KoV
Kov_WatNow -KoV
KoV-Kracker -KoV
KoV_Beastmaster -KoV
destroyer_43 -KoV
King(0) -KoV
lordyak -Footman
killer_launcher -Footman
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To become a member:
-You must first own your own Diablo II disc, an Expansion Disc, and be an active player.
-You must have a qualifying lv80+ character.
-You must have trust in everything we do, be it transfering items, or if a member is having problems.
-Last, consult one of the leaders online, above are the accounts of the current members, so whisper them online or visit the comments section.