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My Workout

I started hardcore weightlifting in March and have progessed pretty well. It's pretty fun to me.

These are the suplements I take:
EAS Simply Protein, Optimum Nutrition's 100% Whey Protein, EAS Myoplex, EAS Cytovol, EAS Phosphagen HP, and Natural Source's Bodybuilding Muscle Packs.

I also try to eat six meals a day like this (Spaced three hours apart):
Breakfast: Oatmeal, an orange or apple, and protein drink
Second Meal: Myoplex shake with strawberries
Lunch: Chicken breast and steamed vegetables
Fourth: Myoplex shake with peaches
Dinner: Chicken breast and either vegetables or potatoes.

The thing is, that in order to build good quality mass (muscle) you need to take in alot of protein (1.5 grams x body weight) and that's why I eat like this. Also spacing out these small meals will help burn off the calories easier.

Half of bodybuilding is nutrition the other is the actual workout. 

I workout three times a week for about 2 hours each session. Each day is a different workout (3 total). In the first set (5 reps) I lift as much as I can for that amount. Then I take a short rest (1 minute) and then do another set (9 reps) with less weight.  There are about 12-15 different exercises I do in these workouts each.




Muscle and Fitness

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You think you're in Heaven, but you're living in Hell. - Bob Marley