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Super!  Super!

You selected the correct response:

d. l'Éclair de Feu
( The Firebolt)

You correctly deduced that the following answers were incorrect :

a. le Brossdur 5 The Cleansweep Five was manufactured in the 1940's. It handles fairly well in comparison to more modern brooms, but it requires a strong rider, preferably a Beater, to keep it balanced in flight.
b. le Comète 260 The Comet 260 was originally produced in 1968. Its popularity as a classic sporting broom resurged in the 1980's, resulting in its return to production. It is rarely used by professional teams, however.
c. l'Étoile filante The Shooting Star was produced in the 1950's and 1960's. Even at the height of its popularity, it was not known for its speed or agility. No professional Quidditch player would ever be caught dead on one.
e. le Nimbus 2000 The Nimbus 2000 was, until very recently, considered the fastest, most advanced racing broom ever manufactured. Only the Nimbus 2001 and the Firebolt can outrace and outmaneuver it.

And now for the final question of the elementary level exam :

Question Ten : Your classmate has been petrified by the stare of un Basilic seen reflected in a well, and le professeur de Botanique has asked you to fetch a plant that is required for the cure. What plant should you retrieve from the greenhouse?

a.  un Saule cogneur
b.  une citrouille
c.  un mandragore
d.  un Filet de diable
e.  une Tentacula vénéneuse
