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Bravo!  Excellent!

You knew that the correct answer was:

d. le professeur de Défense contre les forces du mal
(the Defense against the Dark Arts professor)

The incorrect answers, as you well know, are:

a. le professeur de Potions  The Potions professor would hardly have time to prepare a Sleeping Potion, and trying to administer it to a troll might cost him a finger or two, if he did.
b. le professeur de Métamorphose The Transfiguration professor might be able to turn the troll into a giant toad, but it would still want to beat you both to death with its giant club feet.
c. le professeur d'Enchantements The Charms professor could make the troll's breath smell like jasmine petals and make its teeth shine, but its sparkly white canines could still rip your flesh apart in no time flat.
e. le professeur d'Histoire de la magie The History of Magic professor might bore the troll to death with lectures on the Goblin Rebellions, but only if he could get it to put down its club and listen.

Now, on to the next question:

Question Two: You've just finished un match de Quidditch in the dead of winter, and you're cold, exhausted, and incredibly thirsty. What beverage would you find the most refreshing?

a.  la Goutte du Mort vivant
b.  le Polynectar
c.  le Vin d'ortie
d.  la Potion de Ratatinage
e.  la Bièraubeurre
