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Tu as raison!  You are correct!

You deduced that the correct answer was:

e.  la Bièraubeurre

The incorrect answers were of course:

a. la Goutte du Mort vivant The Draught of Living Death might induce sleep, but it's hardly what one would call a refreshing beverage. It is both dangerous and addictive, and the antidote is difficult to obtain.
b. le Polynectar Polyjuice Potion has a pungent odor and a vile flavor due in part to its active ingredient : human toenail clippings, skin or hair. Its transfigurative properties are miraculous, but painful.
c. le Vin d'ortie Nettle Wine is a tasteless, odorless beverage that is difficult to identify. It is inoffensive to the point of being boring, with no known medical or magical properties.
d. la Potion de Ratatinage Shrinking Potion acts as a rejuvenating agent upon humans, returning them to infancy. The shrinking process is said to be annoying and inconvenient, but painless for the most part.

So far, so good. Shall we proceed to the next question?

Question Three: Each student in your Soin aux Créatures magiques class must select a beast to take care of as a term project. You like most animals, but you're also quite fond of your limbs. Which creature should you avoid?

a.  le Norvégien à crête
b.  les Veracrasses
c.  la Licorne
d.  la Limace
e.   le Phénix
