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Formidable!  Stupendous!

Once again, you came up with the correct answer. It was:

a.  le Norvégien à crête
(the Norwegian Ridgeback)

You correctly eliminated the following erroneous answers :

b. les Veracrasses Flobberworms are some of the dullest magical creatures in existence. They are unremarkable in appearance and habit. Needless to say, they pose no threat of danger whatsoever.
c. la Licorne The Unicorn is a rare and beautiful beast with potent magical powers. Although it is rather timid and would probably allow few students to approach it, it is not considered dangerous.
d. la Limace The Slug is a common garden pest with no known magical properties. You might encounter one in Herbology or in a Regurgitation Hex, but not in Care of Magical Creatures.
e. le Phénix The Phoenix is a rare, gentle, and highly magical creature of extraordinary beauty in its adult stage. Though nearly impossible to domesticate, it can become a devoted pet with proper care.

Here is the next question:

Question Four: You wish to send un message across the English Channel to your parents. Which of the following pets should you choose for the most reliable delivery?

a.  une chouette
b.  un molosse
c.  un chat tigré
d.  un crapaud
e.   un hibou
