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C'est la bonne réponse!  That's the correct answer!

You chose one of the two equally suitable answers :

a.  une chouette
(an untufted owl)
e. un hibou
(a tufted owl)
The remaining responses were incorrect :
b. un molosse A guard dog might be the logical choice if you needed a companion to guide you through a dangerous forest, but you could hardly expect one to swim the English Channel in order to deliver a message.
c. un chat tigré A tabby cat would be the correct choice if you wanted to rid your home of rodents, but it would probably prefer napping in a corner to carrying messages across dangerous terrain.
d. un crapaud A toad could only be expected to perform such a difficult task if it were actually a prince in disguise, and even then, only if there were an attractive princess waiting to kiss him on the other shore.

Now, let us proceed to the fifth question :

Question Five : You are a first year student at une école de sorcellerie, and you have lost your supplies list. Which of the following items should you not purchase?

a.  une baguette magique
b.  un chaudron
c.  un balai
d.  un chapeau pointu
e.   une paire de gants protecteurs
