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Magnifique!  Magnificent!

You deduced that the answer was :

c. un balai
(a broom)

The following responses were incorrect :

a. une baguette magique A magic wand is considered to be an essential part of witchcraft and wizardry. A first year student would most definitely need to acquire one before the first day of class.
b. un chaudron A cauldron would be required for preparing potions and elixirs. As Potions class is generally taught from day one, all new students are expected to have their own.
d. un chapeau pointu A pointed hat is part of the basic uniform in all European magic schools. Some American academies opt instead for a baseball cap, but in Europe, a pointed hat is de rigueur.
e. une paire de gants protecteurs A pair of protective gloves is traditionally used in the preparation of many potions and while handling dangerous creatures. Almost all magic schools require them.

You have successfully completed the first half of this exam!  Now for the second half :

Question Six : A dangerous creature known as le Roi des Serpents is rumored to be living in a well outside the school. Your professors have asked you to prepare a research paper on this animal with the lethal stare. What is its other name?

a.  le Pitiponk
b.  le Strangulot
c.  le Sinistros
d.  le Détraqueur
e.  l'Épouvantard
f.   le Basilic
