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Incroyable!  Incredible!

For the eighth time in a row, you have chosen the correct response :

b. Sang-Pur !
(Pure Blood !)

The remaining answers were incorrect :

a. Fortuna Major! Meaning "Great Fortune" in Latin, Fortuna Major is a popular Gryffindor password that is often selected at the beginning of a new term. Slytherins find it too pedestrian and tend to avoid it.
c. Sorbet Citron! Lemon Sherbet (a.k.a. Lemon Drop) is a Muggle sweet that Headmaster Dumbledore is reputedly quite fond of. It has been rumored that he occasionally uses it as a password to his office.
d. Nids de Cafard! Cockroach Clusters are a legendary Honeydukes sweet. Only those with a quirky sense of humor would choose this term as a password. Slytherins generally prefer more gothic passwords.
e. Groin de Porc! Pigsnout is frequently used in Houses with forgetful students because it is short, witty, and easily recalled. Slytherins pride themselves on the fact that they've never employed it.

On to the next question :

Question Nine : You will be playing as un attrapeur in the next Quidditch match. What brand of broom would be the best choice to fly on?

a.  le Brossdur 5
b.  le Comète 260
c.  l'Étoile filante
d.  l'Éclair de Feu
e.  le Nimbus 2000
