About Hollie Davidson

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Home Life:
I have been married for ten years and have three sons. I work full time and coach soccer. Marriage is hard and many times it's easy to just walk away, but I am not a quitter and I don't give up. I was married at 21. I still think I was too young but I was 'in love'. Now ten years later, we are still together, still bickering, but we are together and I love the butthead. My boys are good kids. My oldest is the big hearted mother hen type kid. He loves to read and write too. I found some stories he wrote on his computer. My middle son is the cool kid, who shares my love of wrestling. He is just filled with so much personality. My baby is so smart. He is just a people person and so intelligent, but he is a minature daddy, so he is a little butthead. They are all still young all under 11.

Me Personally:
I have been writing since I was a young kid. Poetry always came easy to me. You could always find me on a saturday night watching the VonErichs and writing poems. I collect lighthouses, windchimes and pens. Yes, I admit it I am a natural born pen thief. I was born in California, but got to Texas as soon as I could. I have been in Texas thirty years and I am thirty - one. I can not remember the exact day or age I started writing poems and stories, I just know it always came easy and quick to me.

Yeah growing up my loves in life were:
Kerry VonErich and wrestling. Kerry VonErich was my hero growing up. He was the epitamy of everything to me. Posters hung all over my walls of Kerry, Kevin, Mike, Fritz, David and Chris. My dream came true when I got to meet these guys. True Texas Heros and missed horribly.
Also, I enjoy; writing, music and singing.

My Heros:
My grandma: Ruby
She and I would sit on her big bed, when I was a kid, and eat mayonaise sandwiches. Oh they were so good. Grandma read to me and taught me the love of books. She passed on in December of 98. Technically, she died in the hospital, but I know she died in her big bed with a book nearby and I have that book.

My mom Lynn:
She is just awesome, with a huge heart. She always encouraged me to be me. She always let me learn on my own and then helped me with any repercussions or pain. She is just a good woman.
It's funny that when my temper flares, people say you act like your mother and grandma. It use to aggravate the hell out of me but now I say; "And I'm damn proud of it,"

My brother Olaf:
He is just so Olaf and I think he is so great. He is strong, he is smart and he is a good brother. We are no way mushy, but I know he is always there if I need him. He's a true leader and we both over came alot, more then we should have but we got here.

My favorite authors:
My grandma got me reading VC Andrews when I was a kid. I love Dean Koontz, Stephen King and Lisa Gardner. One of my favorites is Karen Moning. I am in awe of her Highlander series. It takes alot to really make me keep a book. I have kept all of hers. I am in love with her character Dageous. She was that good in bringing him to life. I also like Marianne LaCroix, Sahara Kelly, Brenn Lyons and a few more. I love to read and I'm working on starting up my own review site with some friends so be on the lookout for that! So any authors send your books there to be reviewed.