"A Sister Is Love That You Never Outgrow"
From the very beginning of your newborn life Up until the day you passed I knew my love would only grow That forever would it amass
My love has stood the test of time
As your love has for me Sharing thoughts and memories For all eternity
I know I'll see you once again Where you dwell in God's great home Leaving me only temporarily But never to feel alone
For when I have my quiet times Or lay my head down to sleep Visions of you become so clear Our love, forever to keep
Spread your wings and soar the heavens
Light up the midnight sky For this my sister, you so deserve You've waited all your life
Smile that great big smile you do And let those big blue eyes shine through And set the heavens all aglow For this my sister, I truly know
Your happiness was long past due From a world of so much pain Now finally you have your wings Your tears; no more in vain
Written By Patricia Powell © In Loving Memory of Tracy Leigh Harmon Dedicated to Sonya Harmon Ashe