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Here are some pictures from Camp Sunshine in the Altai region of Siberia, Summer 2003. Click to see a larger picture.

The Siberian scenery was absolutely beautiful.

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Meet the American team!

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Welcome to Camp Sunshine... here's Travis, showing some Russian boys how to throw an American football, and campers playing on the Swings of Death.

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Here are pictures of campers doing things that campers do.

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And here are some of the counselors who helped to make us feel so welcome.

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Here's the inside of the banya. It's sort of a cross between a bath and a sauna.

Banya1.jpg (29141 bytes)


On the weekends we would take a bus to Biysk, where we would go to church.

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On our last weekend, we remained at the camp, and on Sunday morning we hiked to the village of Манжерок (Mahn-zher-ock) where we climbed "Travis Mountain." It took about three hours to climb. Unfortunately it was cloudy that day, so the view wasn't too great.

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When we left the camp, we headed back to Barnaul, and then to England, where we spent about three days in Oxford before returning to the United States and parting ways.


Мммм, сухарики!



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