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About Cori








My DeviantArt account


As an average 18-year-old college freshman, with average, every day issues in an average, every day life, Nerome (aka Cori) has nothing better to do with her time than make this crappy, half-assed website. She lives somewhere in the southern region, about a few hours drive from the southern-most point of the US, and happens to be completely unimpressed by it. She claims to be in a tiny part of a large city. A city which pisses off a lot of people who have cars (not necessarily with licenses) or a semi-intelligent brain, herself included.

She used to spend her days with her friends, but seeing how they're all graduated and happily run away from the hellhole she calls home, she now spends much of her time sewing holy pants back together, pointing out things redundantly as they pass by overhead, growing up badly, and trying to figure out what major she's going to change to next to piss off her father.

Her interests include sleeping, playing the viola, writing, drawing, doing stupid things (like playing with fire... 0oh...... fire.....), sleeping.... uhm... sleeping...? Oh screw it. She's a bored teenager, who cares what she likes doing.

She has a blue room, wears blue clothes, vaguely wants to die her hair a very shiny, dark shade of blue, has a pair of blue converse that have been worn to death, has several blue cardigan-style sweaters (trademark Cori style), has decorated her surrounds (living room, bedroom, bathroom..) with her mother in a blue fashion, goes to a school whose colors are blue and gold, and her favorite color is none other than green.

Oh yeah. And she has two cats that use her legs/arms/head as a comfy pillow all night long, unless, sometime around 3am, Motor decides to attack Rudi, and then EVERYONE in the room is awake, because that's just really annoying. And she wears blue PJs. Sometimes.

Why do we know all this about this magnificently boring specimen of the human race? Because we stalk her and watch her through the window while she sleeps. Because we're losers and have nothing better to do with our time. And there's no need to ask who "we" is, that's none of your business OR your concern. Now stop asking questions and go somewhere else.

Beware the miniature Double Mace... of Do0o0om!!!