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Home Turret Defense UPS Tutorials

Welcome to UPS the mod of upgrades. Everyone starts with an axe and $25. The hacking and slashing begins! Upgrade your axe to smash your enemies away, or maybe you prefer to swing that thing like a fan and upgrade your swing speed. Either way if you don't watch out someone will have enough money to buy a bomb kit or a shotgun, and you axe isn't so high and mighty then. Try and get a hold on the money bag, and you will earn cash every few seconds, but this will make you quite a worthy target for your friends! Upgrade wisely and kill everyone!

Latest on the mod:
sept 27 05: Lots of updates, added nade menu, mario jumping (hop up and then jump again to slam enemy), different nades, flak cannon, wow lots of stuff
sept 7 05: Working hard, putting in floatable things such as shell casings and backpacks, just to spice it up a little. Maybe im to distracted by these little things lol i might never finish. anyway, impulse shells have been added to the shotgun upgrades, provide a "little" kick to the enemy when you hit them. Its fun knocking people off ledges and such. Ill keep you up to date-
sept 8 05: Complete makeover of the menus and other various graphics of the mod. New console, makes a nice desktop image as well. Added remote upgrade for bombs, new skins, beggining of a sweet sniper rifle, got some good ideas for that. 1 new screenshot for ya-
sept 10 05: Wow lots of work on this mod, new menu look, sniper rifle now has some sick upgrades, including sniper round upgrades, you can get the UAC support sniper round (trying to give some props to doom and doom2 heh) and the Dynotek SCMP round, a little bit of an insider on that one but its ok. Thanks again to Sajt and Wazat on inside3d for helping me, got the maxvelocity cranked and very fun sniping action.

A look at the axe menu, and a sneak peak at the booby trapped death match level.

The player upgrades menu, maybe slowing down your extra health drain speed would do you some good when you buy a few health packs and boost your health to 200! Or if you got the money why not raise your max health to 200, then you don't need to worry about it draining!

Got what it takes to earn the quad barrel belt fed shotgun? Hah well see...

Demonstrating the explosions of remote detonated bombs and how they cause missiles and grenades to explode too. An interesting shield maybe?

The remote detonated bomb model needs work, but showing off the menu, now with money display thanks to Sajt on Inside 3d.

The latest map test "Pyramid" a small map made mostly to test my mod in but you can tell me and my brother had fun playing with the new sniper rifle :)