Everyone Makes a desparate attempt to trap the guy in the middle till someone brings ammo. :D

The Guys Show off their new lowest-ever AP count. Oh, and their gang I.D's. :D

More People join in with the Low AP bragging session. It's the newest popular thing, kids! Join Black Holst today, and you'll be able to do this! XD

As you can see, this is distinctive proof that Dell is in fact, God. Well who else can levititate that you know?

Kitsune makes a move on Dell, but he's having none of it. VIVA LA RESISTANCE DELL!

Dells Paranoiya that someone would jump him from behind got a little intense here, but whats there to say Sanity couldnt just turn around and.... STAB! *dun dun dun dun DUN!* *Blood trickles into shower-plug holes*

The Guys Party at greenroads cafe after a long day of nothing but killings. Now THATS how to spend your evenings!