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Fodam-se os Strokes. Pau no cu do White Stripes.
Esse site é devotado ao Glamourama, e essas são as News da banda, e Glamourama-related..

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•28/03 os cinco rapazes mais sexies do RJ, aqueles que põem o roll no nosso rock,
poderão ser TIETADOS, CONFERIDOS e APALPADOS em SP. Aguardem novidades.

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Deu na Reuters: Polícia do Camboja vai deportar ícone pop Gary Glitter.

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Tiramos essas notícias do site da
É muito bom ver que a sua banda preferida é citada numa revista de grande porte.

From the NME.COM IV

Glamourama tries to chill-out before band's debut on May 21st Brazilian ready-to-go glam rock superstars are looking for a little relax before the band kicks off GRAND BOUTIQUE TOUR 2002. Lead singer Marvel and guitarist/singer Jazzmo Starlust hit the road tonight for a weekend-long chill-out in Belo Horizonte, while guitarist Johnny Queer shows his DJ talents at Lapa's Bar do Ernesto.

"After some tough rehearsals", says Glamourama spokesmen Mantronix Piccolo, "the band is very exhausted. So, they have decided to stay a little far from their instruments this weekend". Mr. Piccolo told the press that Belo Horizonte's trip was Jazzmo's idea. "They are looking for easy girls, heavy drugs and genuine Minas cheese before the dirty work".

None of the singers has spoken to the press, because they were making their luggage, while Johnny Queer was busy choosing his CDs.

It's being reported that Sid Licious is getting around with a very tall girl that has being often seen with him. Myself Deluxe will rest in his property in Jacarepaguá, Rio de Janeiro's countryside.

Glamourama's first gig on GRAND BOUTIQUE TOUR 2002 will take place on May 21st, at Cobal do Humaità's Far Up, supported by POLICE COVER.

-- Click here to discuss this story at NME.COM forums
-- See the band's microsite HERE

E a porra do microsite ainda não está no ar! Eu posso com isso?
Já avisei pro manager deles (groupie que é groupie tem que cercar a banda por todos os lados!) que se essa joça não entrar no ar logo, não vai ter boquete!! Atenção: NÃO VAI TER BOQUETE!

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from the III

Glamourama cancels today's rehearsal, but denies split rumours

Even before their first gig, 21st century's brazilian most expected act Glamourama is facing now split rumours after the forfait of two members.
Drummer Sid Licious and lead guitar Johnny Queer spread a note saying they "aren't able to rehearse tonight, due to personal freshness."

"However", says Glamourama's spokesman Mantronix Piccolo, "the band is not finishing its activities, so the fans can calm down. Shit happens, but the other Glammies will be practicing tonight". Thus, the band's schedule is kept, as Grand Boutique Tour 2002 begins May 21st, at Cobal do Humaitá's Far Up, supported by POLICE COVER.

Tickets for this gig will be available next week, at NME.COM

- click here to discuss this story at NME.COM forums
- see the band's microsite at NME.COM

Ai, esses pederastas. Mas se no tão aguardado show eles fizerem performances à la Lux Interior, eu caio de boca no backstage, rarara.
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from the II

Glamourama opens 'Grand Boutique' on May 21st

Brazilian outstanding glam rock band GLAMOURAMA spreads a new date for Grand Boutique Tour 2002 kick-off. According to spokesman Mantronix Piccolo, the first gig will take place at Cobal do Humaitá's Far Up.

In a short note, Mr. Piccolo added that Glammies will have POLICE COVER as supporting act in this gig, and "Glamourama will not have mercy on them".

None of the members is talking to the press at the moment, "because they weren't able to decide in time which clothes will be nicer on the magazines", ended Piccolo.

Besides this gig, Glamourama is also going to play on June 15th, with NABUCO ON THE ROXY.

- Click here to discuss this story on NME.COM forums
- See the band's microsite on NME.COM

Continue escrevendo para nós, sua groupie vadia!
Garantimos que seus recados chegarão à banda!
Afinal, somos o fã clube OFICIAL! É pra quem pode... somos melhores que as GTO's!! Só falta um equivalente do Frank Zappa pra bancar a gente, hahahahahaahah!
(com a diferença que nós somos moças responsáveis e ninguém vai morrer nem de AIDS e nem de overdose, certo, meninas??)

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Sair por aí dizendo que 'Velvet Goldmine' foi o filme da sua vida é muito fácil.
Vá dar o cu enquanto assiste a 'The Rocky Horror Picture Show' NO CINEMA e depois entre em contato conosco. Nós do fã-clube já passamos por isso.

Não basta ser fã. Tem que participar.

from the

Glamourama to announce Grand Boutique Tour dates

Brazilian majestic glam rock act Glamourama will announce the first dates of its Grand Boutique Tour in few days. Glamourama's spokesman Mantronix Piccolo said this morning that "more dates may be expected, as the band's tour is still being scheduled".

Prefering to begin the tour in small venues, the band's kick-off will be at Casarão Amarelo, Copacabana, on June 15th. "But a gig before this one is very possible yet", says Piccolo, as Glamourama members are not giving
interviews due to rehearsals.

"I can only say they are very proud of their set and ready to succeed on
stage and in the top ten indie charts", ends Piccolo.

- Click here to discuss this story on the NME.COM forums
- See the band's microsite here

A única coisa ruim da banda é que o site deles ainda não está no ar.
Você clica e nada da p**** do site. Mas quem liga pra isso? Ouvi dizer que o pau do vocalista é enorrrrrme (*burp!* estou arrotando molho PESTO do almoço porque eu sou uma groupie chique *burp!*)

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