LIME CAT WALLPAPER GALLERY POLICY Yes, we do have a policy. And please read this before you decide to use any wallpapers on your web site. Lime Cat is a free wallpaper site, meaning that it will not cost you ANYTHING to take our wallpapers and use them on your desktop. BUT if you decide to take our wallpapers and use them on YOUR site, there is is omething you should know first. Our wallpapers are linkage, meaning that you will 1) Give credit to Lime Cat and the rightful creator of the wallpaper/s you are displaying and 2) you will link Lime Cat somewhere. Preferably on the same page that the wallpaper/s are displayed on, and also on your 'Links' page. Got it? Good!! If you don't link Lime Cat, you take the risk and you suffer the consequences. *This also applies to any other sort of graphic you can see around the site.
All images etc on the site are © copyright Lime Cat Wallpaper Gallery. If you even think of trying to steal ANYTHING on this site, you are absolutely insane because you know will be caught!! And after you are, all of us here will enjoy seeing you die, or at least your site! So, don't even think about it. Lime Cat was started on Friday, 13th of June 2003, by Jess and Pia. |